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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Ø Implement new features based on user needs and [5] FAO. (2020). The State of Food and Agriculture 2020:
technological advancements. Overcoming water challenges in agriculture. Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Ø Develop a comprehensive framework for analyzing the
food supply chain, including challenges, opportunities, [6] Language Bridges in Agriculture : Exploring the Vital
and future directions. Role of English Proficiency In Connecting Diverse
Agriculture Communities and Practices by Smbm
Ø Conduct a case study of the agricultural sector in India, Arshad
examining the challenges and opportunities facing
farmers and retailers. [7] International Journal of Agricultural Extension and
Rural Development, 8 (2), 47-54
Ø Develop a system for predicting crop yields using data
mining and machine learning algorithms, incorporating [8] Language barriers in agricultural extension services:
the agricultural dataset and the K Nearest Neighbor Insights from China. International Journal of
algorithm. Agricultural Extension and Rural Development, 8 (4),
Ø Design and propose an application to connect farmers
and retailers, providing regional languages and allowing [9] “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by
farmers to share their experiences, techniques, and Christopher M. Bishop (2006)
knowledge about fertilizers and pesticides.
[10] “The k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm" by T. Cover and
VIII. Conclusion P. Hart (1967) - This paper introduces the k-NN
AgroConnect is a knowledge transformation platform for algorithm and its application to pattern recognition.
farmers. It is a web app for farmers to share their skills and [11] World Bank (2019): Digital Agriculture: A New Era for
knowledge in their native language and other can also
consume that information in their native language (All major Agriculture.
Indian languages are supported). [12] IFAD (2019): The Role of Digital Technologies in
AgroConnect represents a significant step toward bridging
the gap between technology and agriculture. By leveraging [13] OECD (2019): Digitalisation and Agriculture: A
machine learning, image recognition, and cloud computing, Review of the Evidence.
the app provides farmers with the tools they need to manage [14] Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics:
plant health, control diseases, and optimize productivity.
With the potential to revolutionize farming practices, Various articles on digital agriculture, big data
particularly in developing regions, AgroConnect can play a analytics, and artificial intelligence in agriculture.
key role in enhancing food security, improving sustainability, [15] Digital Extension Services for Agriculture" by A. K.
and empowering farmers globally. Singh et al. (2020) - This article discusses the
potential of digital extension services to support
Future work should focus on enhancing the app’s agricultural development, including the use of mobile
capabilities, integrating it with IoT-based sensor apps and online platforms.
technologies, and ensuring its widespread adoption through
partnerships with agricultural extension services, [16] Digital Agriculture: A Review of the Literature" by S. S.
governments, and NGOs. As the world faces increasing Rao et al. (2020) - This article provides a
challenges in food production, AgroConnect stands as a comprehensive review of the current state of digital
promising solution to help farmers navigate these obstacles agriculture, including the use of technologies such as
and build a more resilient agricultural future. precision agriculture, drones, and artificial
IX. References intelligence.
[1] Agroconnect – Connecting Farmers to Smart [17] Agricultural Technology and Rural Development" by
Agriculture by Ms.Eugene Berna [march2024] R. K. Singh et al. (2019) - This book explores the
potential of agricultural technology to contribute to
[2] Intoduction to Agronomy-Food Crops, and rural development, including the use of digital
Environment - Craig C. Sheaffer ,Kristine M Moncada platforms and mobile apps.
[18] Language and Communication in Agricultural
[3] Principles Of Agronomy – T. Yellamenda Reddy, G.H.
Sankara Reddy Development" by S. M. Njuguna et al. (2019) - This
article explores the importance of language and
[4] Principles Of Crop Production - Sr Reddy, C Nagamani communication in agricultural development, including
the use of local languages and dialects.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 353