Page 370 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Integrated Mobile Solution for Farmers: Enhancing
Plant Care and Food Production through Technology
Miss. Suhani Sarode , Miss. Himanshi Wadafale , Prof. Anupam Chaube
1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT compatibility with existing values and practices, and the
The study investigates an application that examines the ability to address the specific needs and experiences of
various activities farmers undertake in the field, such as soil farmers. Besides, there are external factors such as
plowing, fertilization, herbicide application, and traceability biophysical and agro-climatic environment that greatly
of agricultural products. For real-time documentation, the influence the effectiveness of these technologies.
application provides smartphones and tablets to farmers, There is an emergent need to have integrated management
thereby providing practical, financial, and environmental
benefits. In addition, the application has decision support systems incorporating new and mobile technologies. They
can revolutionize agricultural production if they support the
capabilities and mobile services to help implement a use of data-driven insights by precision agriculture towards
network of producing units. Mobile devices are widely used
by farmers and countryside people, and mobile-enabled optimizing farming. Precision agriculture helps in
productivity efficiency and sustainability since it optimizes
information services and mobile telephony have improved resource usage for better production in agriculture. Finally,
information sharing in knowledge-intensive agricultural the overall approach to it provides a quality basis for
areas. India has the largest public extension system
globally, but there are gaps in transferring recent farm evaluating agriculture production and giving farmers the
prospects of producing a better yield while diminishing
technologies to farm fields. The introduction of mobile environmental impacts.
phones has improved agricultural applications and portals
for farmers and stakeholders. The adoption of these advanced tools and methodologies
would help Indian agriculture overcome its current list of
I. INTRODUCTION challenges, augment the resource bases of farmers, and
Agriculture is the backbone of the Indian economy, serving enable general sectoral growth and sustainability. ICT along
as a cornerstone for food security and rural development. It with mobile and precision agriculture integration forms a
substantially contributes to the nation's GDP and plays a giant step toward the realization of the full potential of
crucial role in improving the livelihoods of millions of modern agricultural practices to ensure long-term success
farmers. Over 58% of rural households in India are either for Indian agriculture.
fully or partially dependent on agriculture. This means that II. Problem Statement
the sector is not only a source of income but also a way of life Agriculture faces a growing array of challenges that threaten
for a significant portion of the population. food security and sustainable development. Key issues
India boasts the largest public agricultural extension system include:
in the world, with a robust network aimed at disseminating 1. Climate Change: The effects of climate change, including
knowledge, innovations, and resources to farmers. During unpredictable weather patterns, increasingly frequent
these years, information and communication technology extreme weather events, and shifts in growing seasons,
(ICT) tools have changed traditional agricultural extension have a profound impact on crop yields. These
practice. ICTs allow end-users access to information about a disruptions make it difficult for farmers to plan planting
host of agricultural activities in real-time, location-specific and harvesting cycles, often resulting in significant
formats ranging from the choice of crop or type of crop, pest economic losses and food shortages.
management, weather forecast, and even market trends. Of
all these tools, mobile phones are perhaps the most 2. Resource Constraints: Limited access to essential
significant, offering more avenues for improved resources, such as water and fertile soil, poses
communication and better access to agricultural significant barriers to agricultural productivity. Land
applications, portals, and decision-making resources both for degradation due to overuse, deforestation, and
farmers and stakeholders. unsustainable farming practices further exacerbates the
situation, making it difficult for farmers to maintain or
While the advancement of technology is quick, this makes it increase yields.
more challenging to manage and share agricultural
information. For example, integrated crop management 3. Lack of Access to Information: Smallholder farmers, who
requires knowledge about soil health, water management, constitute a large portion of the agricultural workforce
pest control, and crop nutrition. For smallholder farmers, globally, often lack timely access to critical information.
this maze of information often becomes challenging to Market data, weather forecasts, and expert agricultural
navigate, thereby hindering the adoption of best practices. advice are either unavailable or inaccessible in many
The success of agricultural technologies relies heavily on rural areas, leaving farmers to rely on guesswork and
factors such as their perceived relative advantage,
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 360