Page 371 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
traditional knowledge that may no longer be sufficient in exactly what each type of plant requires. There are some
a rapidly changing environment. keypoints as follows:-
4. Inefficient Practices: Many traditional farming 1. Watering Schedule and Reminders
techniques are labor-intensive, time-consuming, and Over-watering or under-watering must be one of the most
environmentally damaging. These methods often result common plant care mistakes. Fortunately, a smartphone can
in low productivity, higher input costs, and long-term act as a significant assistant in preserving the perfect water
harm to the ecosystem, including soil erosion, loss of schedule. These applications, namely Waterbot and Vera,
biodiversity, and greenhouse gas emissions. make sure you send reminders to water, considering the
demand of each kind of plant you have. The establishment of
Mobile technology has the potential to address these issues personal reminders would help in watering the plants
effectively by empowering farmers with real-time appropriately and in sufficient quantities to make them reach
information, enabling them to make data-driven decisions. at the right time to the correct amount to remove guesswork,
Through mobile applications, farmers can access accurate thereby promoting healthy growth in the way they perform
weather forecasts, market prices, and expert guidance, the role of Watering Schedules and Reminders.
helping them plan their activities efficiently. Furthermore,
digital tools can optimize resource use by promoting 2. Fertilization and Soil Health
precision farming techniques, monitoring soil and crop Another important care part of the plant is when to fertilise
health, and improving irrigation efficiency. By integrating your plants and how. Your cell phone is quite handy because
technology into agriculture, we can transform traditional the apps show which type of fertilizer your plant may need,
farming into a more sustainable, resilient, and productive even the interval needed for applying these fertilisers.
system capable of meeting the demands of a growing global Devices like the smart soil sensors can also connect to your
population. smartphone to be monitoring the amount of moisture
present, pH, or nutrient level. This real-time information will
III. Decision Support System (DSS) make for actionable input as you aim for the ideal growing
DSS is a Computer based decision making system. A decision conditions of the soil.
is a choice between two or more alternatives based on
estimates of their values. Supporting a decision entails 3. Proper Lighting
assisting farmers who are working alone or in a group in Bright Light: Most plants need bright, indirect light for 6-8
gathering information, generating alternatives and making hours a day. Place plants near windows but avoid direct
decisions. DSS has therefore been considered and designed sunlight, which can scorch leaves.
to provide farmer with the best possible options and Low Light: Some plants, like pothos and snake plants,
decisions for present agricultural operations. DSS
encompasses details on season, variety, soil, water, land tolerate low-light conditions and can thrive in shadier spots.
preparation, management of nursery, nutrient, pests and Grow Lights: If natural light is insufficient, consider investing
diseases, details on the tools and Implements post-harvest in a grow light to mimic sunlight.
ideas, value addition, and details about the other institutions
and schemes. 4. Share Plant Care with a Community of Other
1. Crop Doctor No one should face the journey of plant care alone. GrowIt!
Crop doctor is an integral part of the expert system which connects you to a global community of fellow gardeners and
serves as a tool for Artificial Intelligence. This module plant enthusiasts so that you share experiences, learn from
depends on 'if and then rule' program. It is highly image and others' successes and mistakes, and learn from the world's
picture based system component. The core function of crop collective gardening wisdom-all in the palm of your hand.
doctor is diagnosis of pests and diseases as well as Discover tips on the best ways to propagate succulents or
nutritional disorders that are harming the crops selected. In where to find the indoor plants that have people raving
the major visual signs, which is characterized by many about them.
phases, the primary symptom was evidenced as a series of 5. Ecological Gardening Practices
thumbnail pictures with various stages. Utilizing the if and
then rule program, the stages of the primary and secondary In an age where sustainability is of paramount importance,
symptoms were recorded and uploaded to the expert system your smartphone can guide you towards more eco-friendly
gardening practices. From water conservation tips to advice
shell. Thereafter, the involved experts have tested the on organic pest control, apps can provide you with
symptoms and come up with a solution output.
information on how to minimize your environmental
2. Agromarknet footprint while maximizing the health and beauty of your
AGROMARKNET is a e-network for marketing of agricultural garden.
products with correct and appropriate knowledge of prices
and market arrivals by farmers and trading by stakeholders. 6. Integrate Smart Home Devices
It can be accessed via internet access. It is a central sector For those who are embracing technology in every area of
their lives, smart home devices integrated into your phone
scheme that covers and collects information related to really take plant care to a new level. For instance, the
agricultural produce prices and details of market arrivals on
a day-to-day basis. e-Alert is a way to inform common people watering system, grow lights, and thermostats can all be
about the price agricultural product through e-mail and SMS . controlled using your smartphone. You can control the
perfect environment for your plants even when you are away
IV. Enhancing plant care from them.
Gardening need not be kept in the same old era while
technology interconnects every nook and cranny of life. First V. Advantages of Mobile phone for farmers
step to making successful plant care schedule is knowing Mobile phone technology has revolutionized agriculture
through providing tools and resources that farmers could
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 361