Page 373 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 373
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Call centre (KCC) expert will provide advice based on the 3. Land management: Farmers are now able to make
crop images. informed decisions in managing his/her land.
VI. How Beneficial are these Mobile Apps for 4. Crop planning: Helps farmers determine when to plant
Farmers? or harvest their crops.
Nowadays there are a lot of campaigns happening in rural
areas to promote mobile apps for agriculture. They help 5. Pest and disease management: Helps farmers react to
the need for pest and animal disease control.
farmers to learn and adopt the mobile phone to help in their
daily farming. In the past few years, There have been many 6. Resource management: Helps the farmer get the best out
apps launched for farmers. However, many of them provide of available resources such as water, covering, fertilizer,
as many services as needed. There are the basic and seeds.
requirements that every farmer needs. Mobile applications 7. Efficiency: Helps the farmer by reducing the time taken
offer great advantages to the farming community in
overseeing land use, planning crops, and more. It can help a for him or her to conduct farm work and other farm
farmer make more judicious decisions about water use, operations
fertilizer application, planting decisions, and others. 8. Every farmers need financial support like payments,
loans, and insurance for their crops. Implementing these
1. Providing correct and valuable information regarding
planting, cultivating, harvesting, weather forecast, and in your app will make your app a lot more reliable for
more. farmers.
9. By providing an e-shop in your app for farming
2. Weather forecasting: Farmers are thus able to gauge the products.
weather and viability of their crops and act according to
climate conditions.
Fig:-1.1 Comparative graphical representation of total users in various agricultural apps in India.
VII. Conclusion particularly in the agriculture sector. India, a heavily reliant
For farmers, an integrated mobile solution can provide a country on agriculture, has introduced various new
revolutionary means of improving productivity and technology and government facilities to improve
sustainability. This solution integrates several tools into one productivity. However, many farmers lack timely access to
platform and will give the farmer all information in real time, essential information and plans due to unfair management.
including live weather updates, pest control advice, crop To bridge this gap, researchers are developing a novel
management, up-to-date market prices, financial services, solution. The mobile app will define the necessary procedure
and expert consultations. Benefits come in the form of and model to make farmers aware of new knowledge about
efficiency, less cost, better decision-making, and easy market agriculture and help them improve their farming practices.
access, though challenges in infrastructure development, This will help bridge the gap between farmers and new
digital literacy, and affordability must be addressed. Creating technology and government aids.
user-friendly platforms and collaborating with local
institutions allows for the realization of full potential of Conclusion In the conclusion, the integration of mobile
solutions in agriculture represents an important innovation
integrated mobile solutions to enhance agricultural in knowledge, access, and resource gaps and is thus an
outcomes, income, and better livelihoods for farmers. Mobile innovation for a more resilient and productive farming
apps have become crucial in the digital ecosystem,
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 363