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International	Journal	of	Trend	in	Scientific	Research	and	Development	(IJTSRD)	@	eISSN:	2456-6470
        hardly	get	access	to	previously.	It	offers	various	benefits	to	  practices	will	only	grow,	making	it	an	indispensable	tool	in
        the	benefit	of	the	efficiency	of	the	farm,	its	productivity,	and	  modern	farming.
        profitability.	With	a	mobile	phone,	the	farmer	can	get	all	  Other	 advantages	 of	 Mobile	 phone	 on	 installed
        sorts	 of	 information	 on	 crops,	 soil	 conditions,	 climate,	  application
        rainfall,	seed	varieties,	and	machineries	at	hand	and	in	real-
        time.	This	localized	and	timely	information	helps	farmers	  1.  eMandi
                                                               eMandi	is	an	online	mobile	application	used	for	commodity
        make	well-informed	decisions	tailored	to	their	specific	needs	  trading	 across	 Agricultural	 Produce	 Market	 Committees
        and	 geographical	 conditions,	 enabling	 them	 to	 maximize	  (APMCs)	 in	 India.	 It	 connects	 major	 APMCs	 with	 key
        productivity	while	minimizing	risks.
                                                               markets,	 provides	 transaction	 logging	 and	 streaming	 of
        One	of	the	key	benefits	of	mobile	phone	technology	is	the	  market	 data	 and	 SMS-based	 authenticated	 trading,	 and
        convenience	 it	 offers.	 Farmers	 can	 access	 organized	 and	  allows	 direct	 transactions	 from	 trader	 to	 farmer	 without
        regularly	updated	information	through	various	agricultural	  commission	 agents.	 It	 also	 allows	 stock	 and	 inventory
        applications	and	platforms,	eliminating	the	need	for	time-  tracking	 for	 each	 commission	 agent	 and	 traders.	 It	 has
        consuming	searches	or	reliance	on	external	sources.	This	  integrated	mobility	solutions	over	SMS,	Windows	Mobile,
        ease	of	use	not	only	saves	time	but	also	reduces	the	physical	  Android,	and	iOS.	eMandi	provides	a	transparent	platform
        and	financial	burden	associated	with	traditional	methods	of	  for	 farmers	 to	 sell	 their	 grains	 directly	 to	 traders,	 send
        information	retrieval.	Whether	it	is	learning	about	the	latest	  trading	tips	and	daily	reports	by	SMS,	and	operate	across	all
        agricultural	 techniques	 or	 finding	 solutions	 to	 pest	  platforms.	It	ties	together	all	stakeholders,	thereby	reducing
        infestations,	mobile	phones	serve	as	a	one-stop	resource	for	  the	time	to	market.
                                                               2.  Kisan	Suvidha
        Market	connectivity	has	also	been	significantly	enhanced	  	Kisan	Suvidha	is	an	omnibus	mobile	app	developed	to	help
        through	mobile	phones,	bridging	the	gap	between	farmers,	  farmers	by	providing	relevant	information.	The	app	provides
        buyers,	and	sellers.	Due	to	their	better	access	and	view	of	  information	to	farmers	on	weather,	market	prices,	dealers,
        potential	markets,	farmers	can	directly	communicate	with	  plant	protection,	IPM	practices,	seeds,	expert	advisory,	Soil
        the	 buyers	 and	 engage	 in	 price	 negotiations	 free	 from	  Health	Card,	godowns	and	cold	storage.	The	information	is
        intermediaries;	 subsequently,	 their	 profit	 margins	 are	  currently	provided	in	English,	Hindi,	Tamil,	Gujarati,	Odia
        expanded.	Mobile	phones	offer	live	quotes	on	commodity	  and	Marathi.
        prices	that	enable	farmers	to	update	their	knowledge	on	the	  3.  Pusa	Krishi
        trends	in	those	markets	and	thus	sell	their	crops	at	the	right	  This	mobile	app	was	launched	for	farmers	in	order	to	take
        time.	This	transparency	enables	them	to	avoid	exploitation
        and	get	good	prices	for	their	crops.	                  the	technology	to	farm	 elds.	Provides	information	related	to
                                                               new	varieties	of	crops	developed	by	the	Indian	Council	of
        The	other	very	important	advantage	of	mobile	phones	is	  Agricultural	 Research	 (ICAR),	 resource	 conserving
        their	contribution	towards	improving	logistics	and	supply	  cultivation	practices,	farm	machinery	and	its	implementation
        chain	management.	Through	mobile	applications,	farmers	  and	 production	 technologies,	 to	 the	 farmers	 A	 feedback
        can	monitor	warehousing	facilities,	manage	inventories,	and	  section	enables	farmers	to	have	a	real	time	conversation
        track	the	movement	of	goods.	If	farmers	can	check	the	stock	  with	the	stakeholders.
        level,	dead	stock,	and	fulfill	the	purchase	requirement,	then	  4.  ShetkariMasik	Android	App
        produce	 will	 reach	 end	 consumers	 on	 time	 and	 in	 good
        quality.	 Further,	 mobile	 technology	 provides	 for	 better	  “Shetkari	Masik”	is	one	of	the	popular	monthly	magazines	in
        planning	of	storage	and	transportation	that	can	minimize	  the	 Agriculture	 sector,	 published	 since	 1965	 by	 the
        post-harvest	losses	and	ensure	effective	delivery	of	products.	  Department	of	Agriculture,	Maharashtra.	The	Android	app
        Mobile	phones	also	contribute	to	the	overall	comfort	and	  for	 Shetkari	 magazine	 has	 a	 very	 simple	 interface	 and
        precision	of	agricultural	practices.	By	using	applications	that	  requires	mobile	internet	or	Wi-Fi	connectivity	to	register	and
        provide	weather	forecasts,	planting	schedules,	and	irrigation	  download	the	issues.	Once	downloaded,	the	magazine	can	be
        recommendations,	 farmers	 can	 align	 their	 activities	 with	  read	without	internet	connectivity.
        optimal	conditions,	improving	efficiency	and	sustainability.	  5.  Krishi	Vigyan
        Some	 applications	 even	 offer	 virtual	 advisory	 services,	  This	 app	 provides	 information	 in	 Telugu	 on	 modern
        allowing	farmers	to	consult	experts	and	receive	personalized	  scienti c	 management	 practices	 for	 Agriculture	 &
        guidance	without	having	to	travel.	                    Horticulture	crops	growing	in	Andhra	Pradesh,	along	with
        This	further	becomes	a	means	for	the	exchange	of	knowledge	  photographs.	 It	 helps	 farmers	 and	 extension	 workers	 in
        between	farmers	and	gives	the	farmers	a	platform	for	being	  identi cation	of	 eld	level	problems	like	nutrient	de ciency,
        more	socially	integrated	with	one	another.	The	exchange	of	  pest	&	diseases	and	to	take	decisions	at	the	right	time.
        best	 practices,	 tips,	 and	 success	 stories	 in	 social	 media	  6.  Krishi	Video	Advice	mobile	app
        groups,	messaging	apps,	and	farmer	networks	is	very	useful	  Krishi	Video	Advice	project	aims	to	provide	advisory	services
        for	more	informed	and	connected	agricultural	ecosystems.	  related	to	agriculture	and	allied	sector	on	farming	issues
        In	 a	 nutshell,	 mobile	 phone	 technology	 has	 transformed	  with	the	help	of	a	mobile	app/smartphone/tab.	The	project
        agriculture	by	providing	farmers	with	real-time,	localized,	  has	 been	 conceptualized	 by	 MANAGE	 to	 bridge	 the
        and	 well-organized	 information.	 It	 enhances	 market	  information	gap	between	the	farmer	and	the	expert.	The
        connectivity,	streamlines	logistics,	and	facilitates	precision	  mobile	 app	 works	 on	 all	 smart	 phones	 or	 tabs	 having
        agriculture,	thus	improving	productivity	and	livelihoods.	As	  android	operating	system.	Any	farmer/extension	of cer	can
        mobile	 technology	 continues	 to	 evolve,	 its	 potential	 to	  use	the	mobile	app	to	capture	three	images	of	the	crop	live
        further	 empower	 farmers	 and	 strengthen	 agricultural	  from	the	farmers	 eld	itself	and	upload	the	same.	The	Kisan

        IJTSRD	|	Special	Issue	on	Emerging	Trends	and	Innovations	in	Web-Based	Applications	and	Technologies	  Page	362
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