Page 491 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
3. Continuous Monitoring and Predictive Analytics 1. Key Objectives:
AI has also been employed for continuous monitoring of Early Detection: Employ machine learning algorithms to
mental health through wearable devices and mobile analyze behavioral data, physiological signals, and self-
applications. Studies on platforms like Apple Health and reported symptoms for the early identification of mental
Fitbit illustrate how physiological metrics, such as heart rate health risks.
variability and sleep patterns, can be used to predict stress, Tailored Interventions: Offer personalized therapeutic
anxiety, and depressive episodes. These insights enable recommendations, such as cognitive behavioral therapy
timely interventions, reducing the risk of escalation. (CBT) modules, mindfulness practices, and stress
management strategies.
4. AI-Enhanced Clinical Decision Support
Real-time Monitoring: Enable continuous tracking of
AI is increasingly being used to assist clinicians in diagnosing
mental health status through wearable devices,
and treating mental health disorders. Tools like IBM Watson
smartphone applications, and periodic assessments.
Health employ natural language processing to analyze
Support for Clinicians: Provide healthcare professionals
clinical data and recommend treatment plans, improving
with real-time insights and predictive analytics to
decision-making accuracy and efficiency. These technologies
enhance clinical decision-making.
emphasize the role of AI in complementing, rather than
Ethical and Secure Design: Ensure data privacy,
replacing, clinical expertise.
algorithmic fairness, and adherence to ethical AI
5. Ethical and Social Considerations practices to foster trust and compliance.
Alongside technical advancements, researchers have 2. System Architecture:
explored the ethical implications of using AI in mental health. The MentalWell platform architecture is structured into
Issues such as data privacy, algorithmic bias, and the need five main components:
for transparent AI systems are frequently discussed in Data Acquisition Layer: Aggregates data from multiple
literature. Notable works include frameworks for ethical AI sources, including wearable devices, mobile apps, and
deployment proposed by organizations like the World Health user inputs.
Organization (WHO) and the American Psychiatric Data Processing Layer: Preprocesses raw data through
Association (APA). cleaning, normalization, and feature extraction to ensure
high-quality inputs for analysis.
This study outlines the design and implementation of Mental AI Analytics Engine: Utilizes advanced algorithms for
sentiment analysis, behavioral pattern recognition, and
Well, an AI-powered platform aimed at revolutionizing the risk prediction.
prevention and management of psychological disorders. By Intervention Module: Delivers customized
integrating advanced AI techniques, data analytics, and user- recommendations based on the user’s mental health
centric tools, Mental Well seeks to provide a comprehensive profile and detected conditions.
solution for mental health care. The proposed framework is
User Interface Layer: Provides an accessible and
detailed below.
intuitive interface for both end-users and healthcare
3. Diagram of System Architecture:
Fig.1 Architecture for Mental Well
4. Implementation Phases: Fig.1 Architecture for Mental Well
Platform Development:
Create a user-friendly mobile application.
Integrate wearables for real-time monitoring of vital signs and activity levels.
Pilot Testing:
Conduct pilot trials with varied demographics to gather usability feedback.
Optimize algorithms and enhance the user interface based on insights.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 481