Page 487 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             A.  Jobseekers                                     The  Jobseeker  Functions  concentrates  on  the  consistent
             Search jobs, post your resume and access career info and   information  that  is  practically,  pact  of  the  organizational
             download sample resumes, Papers of various recruiters and   activities and which needs proper authentication for the data
             sample cover letters etc. and can upload any useful info.    collection.  This  user  can  perform  some  tasks  with  out
                                                                registering or with out enter into the application. He can able
             B.  Employers
                                                                to search for the jobs in the site. He can able to download the
             Get instant access to today's most powerful hiring tools -
                                                                information which is available for the jobseekers. He can able
             post jobs, search resumes, screen candidates and streamline
                                                                to  view  the  walk-in  details  and  can  able  to  view  the  job
             your entire hiring process.
                                                                details. The jobseeker can perform some tasks after enter
             Advantages:                                        into  the  application  only.  In  any  situation  the  jobseeker
               Faster and efficient system                     needs to change his password then he can change on his
                                                                own. He can view the details of his own profile and he can
               Wider range services available under one roof
                                                                modify his details in his profile. He can view the details of
               Highly Secure and Portable application          jobs which are available in Job Street. He can view the details
                                                                of all the walk-ins. The job seeker can add the new walk-in
               Provides a facility for the Job Seekers to track their job   details. He can able to apply for the new jobs. He can view the
                details he has applied for
                                                                details of all the applied jobs. He can be able to upload his
               Provides  a  facility  for  the  Employer  to  search  for   information.
                required people very easily
                                                                The  Employer  Functions  helps  to  perform  some  tasks
               Provides  efficient  search  mechanism  using  dynamic   without login. He can view the little information about the
                query generation                                job seekers. He can be able to download the information. He
                                                                can  view  the  details  of  all  the  walk-ins.  He  can  view  the
             C.  Feasibility Report                             details of all the jobs. The employer can view the details of all
             Technical Feasibility: The system is self-explanatory and   the jobseekers and he can view the details of all the jobs and
             does not need any extra sophisticated training. As the system   also  he  can  post  for  the  new  jobs.  After  login  only  the
             has  been  built  by  concentrating  on  the  Graphical  User   employer can perform some tasks. In any situation he needs
             Interface Concepts, the application can also be handled very   to change the password then he can change it. The employer
             easily with a novice User. The overall time that is required to   can view his own profile and also he can view the all the
             train the users upon the system is less than half an hour.
                                                                jobseekers profiles. He can able to post for a new job. He can
             The System has been added with features of menu-driven   view the details of all the jobs which are available in job
             and button interaction methods, which makes the user the   street. He can able to post new walk-in details. The employer
             master as he starts working through the environment. The   can be able to upload the information. He can be able view
             net  time  the  customer  should  concentrate  is  on  the   the candidates resumes applied for jobs posted by him.
             installation time.
                                                                The Guest User Functions helps to perform some tasks on his
             GUI’s: For the flexibility of the user, the interface has been   own. He can able to search for the jobs. The guest user can
             developed  in  graphical  user  interface  mode.  The  normal   download the information from the site. He can be able to
             interface is applied through browser.              view all the walk-in details. He can view the details of all the
                                                                jobs which are available in job street. He can view the little
             The GUI’s at the top level has been categorized as:
                                                                information  about  jobseekers.  If  the  guest  user  wants
             1.  Jobseeker Functions
                                                                register in the site, then he can register. After registering into
             2.  Employer Functions
                                                                the site then he will be one of the jobseeker.
             3.  Guest user Functions

                                                      Fig.1 Flow diagram
             D.  Number of Modules                              functionalities  like  Posting  Jobs  &  Walk  in  details.  This
             The  system  after  careful  analysis  has  been  identified  to   module also includes job search functionality which is very
             present itself with the following modules:         helpful for job seekers to search various jobs. Also provides
                                                                facility to filter the jobs based on various filters like Location,
             Job Street Module: This module provides user interface to   Experience  and  Functional  Area.  Keyword  search  is  also
             add the new jobs in job street. This module deals with the

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