Page 483 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 483

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             For employers, the process involves advertising job openings   Job Category: The administrator can add, edit, and delete
             through traditional media,  which can be costly and time-  jobs in this section.
             intensive. Once applications are received, employers must   List of Employers: The administrator can access this part to
             manually  organize  and  sift  through  them  to  shortlist
                                                                view the list of employers and view each employer's details.
             candidates. They then conduct interviews, often in person,
             which  requires  substantial  coordination  and  effort.   Reg Job seeker: The administrator can examine the list of
             Additionally,  the  administrative  tasks  associated  with   applicants  (job  seekers)  as  well  as  the  specifics  of  each
             onboarding, such as verifying documents and completing   candidate in this area.
             formalities, further add to the workload.
                                                                Pages: The administrator can control the contact and about
             This  traditional  approach  is  not  only  laborious  but  also   us pages in this section.
             inefficient, leading to delays and unnecessary expenses for
                                                                Reports: Admins can create reports in this section detailing
             both job seekers and employers. The lack of digital tools and
                                                                the  number  of  employers  and  applicants  who  register
             automation limits the flexibility and speed of the process,
                                                                between two dates.
             often  causing  frustration  on  both  ends.  In  an  era  where
             technology offers innovative solutions, the existing system   Search: Using the company name and mobile number fields,
             increasingly seen as outdated and ill-equipped to meet the   the  administrator  can  look  up  a  specific  employer  or
             demands  of  the  modern  job  market.  A  transition  to   candidate in this section.
             streamlined,  technology-driven  processes  is  essential  to
                                                                Employers module
             overcome these challenges and improve efficiency.
                                                                Employer-related  functions  are  offered  by  this  module.
             VI.    PROPOSED SYSTEM                             Employers are able to post job opening details and update
             The  proposed  system  is  an  innovative  online  platform   them as needed. Employers have various factors to choose
             designed to streamline the job application and recruitment   from when sifting through applicant resumes.
             process  for  both  candidates  and  employers.  This  system
                                                                Jobs: Employers can post and manage jobs in this section.
             allows  individuals  and  companies  to  register  their
             information, creating a centralized database of job seekers   Candidates List : Employers can browse the list of applicants
             and job opportunities. Candidates can browse detailed job   in this section and communicate the candidates they have
             listings posted  by various organizations and submit their   chosen.
             applications directly through the platform. This eliminates
                                                                Reports: Employers can check the number of candidates who
             the  need  for  traditional  paper-based  submissions,  saving
                                                                apply for a job during specific time periods in this section.
             time and resources for all parties involved.
                                                                Additionally, the employer has the ability to reset, modify,
             Job  seekers  can  customize  their  searches  based  on   and update his password.
             preferences  such  as  location,  industry,  or  type  of
             employment, ensuring they find opportunities that align with   Candidates(Jobseeker) Modules
             their skills and interests. With just a few clicks, candidates   Home: Candidates can view and apply for jobs advertised by
             can apply to multiple openings, making the process seamless   employers in this section.
             and efficient.                                     Jobs  Applied:  Candidates  can  examine  the  results  of  jobs
                                                                applied for in this section.
             For employers, the system offers a comprehensive database
             of potential candidates. Advanced features such as filtering,   About Us: Candidates can examine the website's "about us"
             keyword  searches,  and  preference  settings  enable   page in this part.
             organizations to identify and shortlist suitable candidates
             quickly. Employers can easily review resumes, profiles, and   Get  in  touch  with  us:  Candidates  can  read  the  website's
             qualifications, allowing them to focus on individuals  who   contact  us  page  in  this  area.Moreover,  candidates  (job
             meet their job requirements.                       seekers) have the ability to reset, modify, and update their
             By automating many aspects of the recruitment process, the   VIII.
             proposed system reduces the time, effort, and cost associated   FUTURE SCOPE
             with traditional methods. It fosters a more efficient and user-  Develop a more advanced and feature-rich software for the
             friendly  experience  for  both  job  seekers  and  employers,   job portal, providing additional functionalities and services.
             ensuring that qualified candidates are matched with the right   Host  the  platform  on  online  servers  to  ensure  global
             opportunities in a timely manner. This modern, technology-  accessibility, allowing users from anywhere in the world to
             driven solution is an effective alternative to outdated hiring   access the job portal. Integrate multiple load balancers to
             practices, aligning with the needs of today’s fast-paced job   distribute the system's workload efficiently, ensuring smooth
             market.                                            performance and handling high traffic. Implement a master
                                                                and slave database structure to reduce the database queries
             VII.   MODULES DESCRIPTION                         overload,  enhancing  the  system's  performance  and
             Admin modules:                                     responsiveness. Establish a backup mechanism to regularly
             Functionalities relevant to administrators are provided by   backup  the  codebase  and  database  on  different  servers,
             this  module.  The  administrator  oversees  the  whole   ensuring data integrity and security. By implementing these
             application process and keeps track of the job candidate and   enhancements,  the  project  aims  to  provide  an  expanded
             employer profiles.                                 scope for maintaining records of jobs, vacancies, resumes,
                                                                job  seekers,  and  interviews.  These  improvements  will
             Dashboard:  This  part  gives  the  administrator  a  quick
                                                                increase the applicability and usage of the online job portal.
             overview of all jobs, all employers, all candidates, and all jobs

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