Page 478 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 478
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
ensuring that qualified candidates are matched with the right Search: Using the company name and mobile number fields,
opportunities in a timely manner. This modern, technology- the administrator can look up a specific employer or
driven solution is an effective alternative to outdated hiring candidate in this section.
practices, aligning with the needs of today’s fast-paced job
5.2. Employers module
Employer-related functions are offered by this module.
5. MODULES DESCRIPTION Employers are able to post job opening details and update
5.1. Admin modules: them as needed. Employers have various factors to choose
Functionalities relevant to administrators are provided by from when sifting through applicant resumes.
this module. The administrator oversees the whole
Jobs: Employers can post and manage jobs in this section.
application process and keeps track of the job candidate and
employer profiles. Candidates List : Employers can browse the list of applicants
in this section and communicate the candidates they have
Dashboard: This part gives the administrator a quick
overview of all jobs, all employers, all candidates, and all jobs chosen.
combined. Reports: Employers can check the number of candidates who
apply for a job during specific time periods in this section.
Job Category: The administrator can add, edit, and delete Additionally, the employer has the ability to reset, modify,
jobs in this section.
and update his password.
List of Employers: The administrator can access this part to
5.3. Candidates(Jobseeker) Modules
view the list of employers and view each employer's details.
Home: Candidates can view and apply for jobs advertised by
Reg Job seeker: The administrator can examine the list of employers in this section.
applicants (job seekers) as well as the specifics of each
Jobs Applied: Candidates can examine the results of jobs
candidate in this area.
applied for in this section.
Pages: The administrator can control the contact and about About Us: Candidates can examine the website's "about us"
us pages in this section.
page in this part.
Reports: Admins can create reports in this section detailing
Get in touch with us: Candidates can read the website's
the number of employers and applicants who register
contact us page in this area.Moreover, candidates (job
between two dates.
seekers) have the ability to reset, modify, and update their
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 468