Page 477 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 477
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
oversees and manages the overall system, ensuring smooth Longitudinal studies are particularly valuable in assessing
coordination between users. the is crucial to maximize benefits and address associated
risks effectively.
This comprehensive structure makes the online job portal a
powerful tool for bridging the gap between job providers and 3. EXISTINGEN SYSTEM
seekers, fostering efficient hiring and career growth. Under the current system, traditional process of job
searching and recruitment, which relies heavily on outdated,
2. RELATED WORKS manual methods. Job seekers must identify opportunities
The intention of Job Portal is facilitate both the candidates through print and visual media, such as newspapers,
seeking jobs as well as the employers looking for employees magazines, and job boards, which often lack real-time
for their companies. In this online application, any job seeker updates. After identifying a vacancy, candidates submit their
can search for the available jobs at any moment with applications through conventional means, such as mailing
updated information. When he finds a job, he can post his hard copies of resumes or delivering them in person. They
application to the job on line. Employers can advertise the are then required to attend interviews on pre-scheduled
vacancies by taking the membership, logging in and posting dates at specified locations, often incurring significant travel
the job information with the eligibility criteria for the jobs. and logistical costs.
This software establishes a direct connection between the
employer and the job seeker. A job seeker can directly visit For employers, the process involves advertising job openings
this portal and view the jobs availability information along through traditional media, which can be costly and time-
with downloading the required information. When he logs intensive. Once applications are received, employers must
into the system, he would be able to upload his application manually organize and sift through them to shortlist
and post walk-in details which he knows would be held by a candidates. They then conduct interviews, often in person,
company. This information helps other users very much to which requires substantial coordination and effort.
attend the same. Further, the user will be able to view the list Additionally, the administrative tasks associated with
of companies for which ha has already applied. This enables onboarding, such as verifying documents and completing
him to take a decision when he gets a call from a company formalities, further add to the workload.
and how much time elapsed since he has applied for the
This traditional approach is not only laborious but also
inefficient, leading to delays and unnecessary expenses for
A registered user will be able to get useful information both job seekers and employers. The lack of digital tools and
regarding the placement papers and sample resumes which automation limits the flexibility and speed of the process,
help him to create his own resume according to industry often causing frustration on both ends. In an era where
standards. Common interview questions and sample technology offers innovative solutions, the existing system
covering letters are also available online along with FAQ’s increasingly seen as outdated and ill-equipped to meet the
which aid the candidate to pave his route into the job world. demands of the modern job market. A transition to
streamlined, technology-driven processes is essential to
A recruiter or employer can view some part of the overcome these challenges and improve efficiency.
information of job seekers initially. When the recruiter logs
into the system, he would be able to view the user profiles 4. PROPOSED SYSTEM
separately along with uploading the information of newly The proposed system is an innovative online platform
created jobs and walk-ins. He can also see all the applications designed to streamline the job application and recruitment
received for a particular job in response to his process for both candidates and employers. This system
advertisement. Thus Job Miller is a common platform where allows individuals and companies to register their
corporate recruiters and job seekers come under the same information, creating a centralized database of job seekers
roof. and job opportunities. Candidates can browse detailed job
listings posted by various organizations and submit their
long-term effects of online job portals on employment
applications directly through the platform. This eliminates
patterns and workforce development. Collaboration among the need for traditional paper-based submissions, saving
researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers Online job
time and resources for all parties involved.
portals have transformed traditional recruitment methods
by offering efficient, technology-driven platforms that Job seekers can customize their searches based on
connect job seekers with potential employers. These portals preferences such as location, industry, or type of
provide accessible, user-friendly interfaces that streamline employment, ensuring they find opportunities that align with
the job search and hiring processes. Intuitive navigation, their skills and interests. With just a few clicks, candidates
combined with personalized recommendations and can apply to multiple openings, making the process seamless
advanced matching algorithms, significantly enhances user and efficient.
satisfaction and ensures job opportunities are relevant to a For employers, the system offers a comprehensive database
candidate’s skills and preferences.
of potential candidates. Advanced features such as filtering,
The widespread adoption of these systems has increased job keyword searches, and preference settings enable
mobility, allowing individuals to access diverse career organizations to identify and shortlist suitable candidates
opportunities irrespective of geographical limitations. quickly. Employers can easily review resumes, profiles, and
However, challenges such as algorithmic bias, data privacy qualifications, allowing them to focus on individuals who
concerns, and unequal accessibility remain critical issues meet their job requirements.
requiring attention. Ongoing research is focused on
By automating many aspects of the recruitment process, the
mitigating these challenges while enhancing portal proposed system reduces the time, effort, and cost associated
with traditional methods. It fosters a more efficient and user-
friendly experience for both job seekers and employers,
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 467