Page 482 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             the  unique  challenges  faced  by  both  parties.  It  aims  to   to job opportunities. Moreover, the Internet plays a crucial
             provide students, fresh graduates, and individuals from the   role  in  human  resource  planning  and  development,  with
             general public with access to suitable job opportunities that   many organizations utilizing computer technology and the
             align  with  their  skills  and  qualifications.  By  fostering  a   Internet for recruitment purposes. It is important to note
             connection between local talent and employers, the portal   that  while  the  Internet  has  streamlined  the  job-seeking
             contributes  to  skill  development,  economic  growth,  and   process, it has not completely replaced traditional methods.
             societal progress.                                 Offline methods, such as networking, referrals, and direct
                                                                application submissions, still hold value in certain scenarios.
             In summary, this platform is more than just a job search
                                                                However,  the  convenience  and  accessibility  provided  by
             website—it is a comprehensive solution tailored to ensure
                                                                online job portals have made them a primary resource for
             that individuals can secure meaningful employment while
                                                                job seekers in today's digital era.
             minimizing logistical challenges. By focusing on proximity
             and accessibility, the portal empowers users to build their   IV.   METHODOLOGY
             careers while providing employers with a streamlined hiring   To develop a multi-user login website for an online job portal
             process, ultimately creating a win-win scenario for everyone   using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Python, and Django,
             involved.                                          the following methodology can be followed:.
             II.    RELATED WORKS                               1.  Requirements Gathering
             The intention of Job Portal is facilitate both the candidates   Gather the requirements for the website, including features,
             seeking jobs as well as the employers looking for employees   user roles (job seekers, recruiters), and functionality.
             for their companies. In this online application, any job seeker
                                                                2.  User Interface Design
             can  search  for  the  available  jobs  at  any  moment  with
             updated information. When he finds a job, he can post his   Design the user interface using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap to
                                                                create an intuitive and visually appealing website layout.
             application to the job on line. Employers can advertise the
                                                                Utilize JavaScript for client-side interactivity
             vacancies by taking the membership, logging in and posting
             the job information with the eligibility criteria for the jobs.   3.  Database Schema Design
             This software establishes a direct connection between the   Design the database schema to store user information, job
             employer and the job seeker. A job seeker can directly visit   listings, and other relevant data. Utilize Django's models to
             this portal and view the jobs availability information along   define the database structure.
             with downloading the required information. When he logs
                                                                4.  Implementation
             into the system, he would be able to upload his application
                                                                Code the website using Python programming language and
             and post walk-in details which he knows would be held by a
                                                                the  Django  web  framework.  Utilize  libraries  such  as
             company. This information helps other users very much to
                                                                `django.contrib.auth.models`,  `django.shortcuts`,  `render`,
             attend the same. Further, the user will be able to view the list
                                                                and  `redirect`  to  handle  user  authentication,  rendering
             of companies for which ha has already applied. This enables
                                                                templates, and managing data efficiently. Implement user
             him to take a decision when he gets a call from a company
                                                                registration,  login,  job  search,  job  posting,  and  other
             and how much  time elapsed since he has applied for the
                                                                necessary functionalities.
                                                                5.  Testing
             A  registered  user  will  be  able  to  get  useful  information
                                                                Conduct extensive testing of the website to identify and fix
             regarding the placement papers and sample resumes which
                                                                any  bugs,  errors,  or  usability  issues.  Perform  both  unit
             help him to create his own resume according to industry
                                                                testing  (testing  individual  components)  and  integration
             standards.  Common  interview  questions  and  sample
                                                                testing (testing the website as a whole).
             covering letters are also available online along with FAQ’s
             which aid the candidate to pave his route into the job world.    6.  Deployment
                                                                Once testing is complete, deploy the website on a web server.
             A  recruiter  or  employer  can  view  some  part  of  the
             information of job seekers initially. When the recruiter logs   Ensure that the server is properly configured to handle the
             into the system, he would be able to view the user profiles   Django application.
             separately along with uploading the information of newly   7.  Maintenance
             created jobs and walk-ins. He can also see all the applications   Regularly update and maintain the website based on user
             received  for  a  particular  job  in  response  to  his   feedback and requirements. Implement security measures,
             advertisement. Thus Job Miller is a common platform where   monitor performance, and make necessary enhancements or
             corporate recruiters and job seekers come under the same   bug fixes as needed.
                                                                V.     EXISTINGEN SYSTEM
             III.   LITERATURE SURVEY                           Under  the  current  system,  traditional  process  of  job
             Traditional job-seeking methods are often slow, stressful,   searching and recruitment, which relies heavily on outdated,
             and challenging, lacking in quality and efficiency. Job seekers   manual methods. Job seekers must identify opportunities
             have  to  invest  a  significant  amount  of  time  and  effort  in   through  print  and  visual  media,  such  as  newspapers,
             gathering  information,  preparing  applications,  and   magazines,  and  job  boards,  which  often  lack  real-time
             considering costs associated with the process. However, the   updates. After identifying a vacancy, candidates submit their
             emergence of online job portals has revolutionized the job-  applications through conventional means, such as mailing
             seeking landscape, providing a faster and more convenient   hard copies of resumes or delivering them in person. They
             alternative. The Internet has become a powerful tool for job   are  then  required  to  attend  interviews  on  pre-scheduled
             seekers,  offering  numerous  websites  that  advertise  job   dates at specified locations, often incurring significant travel
             vacancies across various industries and skill sets. This shift   and logistical costs.
             towards online platforms has significantly improved access

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