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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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The Student Result Management System is a web-based S., & Yamauchi, F. (2018). Reflections of employers'
application that offers accessibility to users from any gender preferences in job ads in India: an analysis of
location and at any time. It streamlines the process of result online job portal data. World Bank Policy Research
calculation and visualization for both students and faculty Working Paper, (8379).
members. Our project focuses on creating an efficient and [5] Karthik R.,2019, “A study on improving the
user-friendly system to manage project work with well- marketability of job-related services among the
organized code. This comprehensive package aims to fulfill recruiters with reference to online job portal”,
all the organization's requirements and serve as a robust International Journal of Recent Technology and
tool. The main objective of software planning is to establish a Engineering (IJRTE) ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-7,
framework that allows managers to make accurate estimates Issue-6..
at the start of the project and continuously update them as
the project evolves. This iterative approach ensures that [6] Sumi Maharjan., 2020, “Graduates Perception on Job
estimations remain realistic and aligned with the project's Search: A Critical Review”, Quest Journal of
progress. Management and Social Sciences, Volume 1 Issue 2:
X. REFERENCES 308-317 ISSN Print: 2705-452.
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