Page 488 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
available. User can filter the results by specifying the criteria 5. CONCLUSION
like ‘any word’, ‘all words’ and ‘Exact Phrase’. This search In this project, we successfully designed and implemented
engine uses Dynamic Queries to generate exact results. the “Online Job Portal System,” a platform that bridges the
Functionality that allows registered Job seekers to apply for gap between job seekers and recruiters. This system was
the selected jobs also included in this module. developed using PHP for application code, with AJAX and
JQUERY serving as the backend components to ensure
Resumes Module: This module deals with user registration
smooth and dynamic interactions between users and the
and creation of user profile and uploading resume. Also
platform. The job portal integrates modern web
allows users to update their details and change the uploaded
development tools to offer essential features, enabling users
resume. Registered users can login and view their profile and
to effectively search and apply for jobs while allowing
can edit it. In this module some model resumes are available
recruiters to identify suitable candidates efficiently.
and any of the user can use those resumes and they can
Additionally, the platform supports extensions through the
download the resumes.
JS-JOB plugin, which, despite being in its free trial version
Upload & Downloads module: This module allows users to with limited functionalities, enhances the overall utility of
download placement papers, sample resumes and cover the system.
letters, FAQs and other useful information. Also allows The system was carefully designed to meet all the functional
registered users to upload their own content to the server.
requirements outlined in the initial stages of the project. The
This module keeps the data in a secure manner to avoid un features provided include profile creation, resume uploads,
authorized file access. In this module the user can upload any job searches based on qualifications and preferences, and
of the following things. Sample Resumes, Cover Letters,
multi-job application capabilities. Similarly, the portal equips
Placement Papers, FAQ’s, Tutors, and all the information.
recruiters with tools to filter, sort, and shortlist candidates
Only the registered users can upload the above information.
seamlessly from a vast pool of applicants. This ensures that
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION the system serves its purpose of simplifying the recruitment
The primary objective of this system is to computerize the process for both parties.
entire process of job portal management, thereby eliminating Although the plugin used in this project has limitations due
the errors typically associated with manual methods. By to its trial version, the foundation laid in this system allows
leveraging digital tools and modern web-based technology, for scalability and future enhancements. Additional features
we aimed to create a system that ensures efficiency, can be incorporated as needed to extend the platform's
accuracy, and reliability. One of the key considerations functionality and improve user experience further.
during development was adhering to a holistic design
principle. This approach allowed us to focus on creating a This project not only addresses the real-world needs of
user-friendly interface that is both intuitive and visually modern recruitment but also demonstrates how a robust and
appealing, ensuring ease of access for both job seekers and user-friendly solution can be developed using contemporary
recruiters. The simplicity of the interface is intended to technologies. By fulfilling all the specified requirements, this
reduce the learning curve, enabling users from various project represents a significant step toward creating an
technical backgrounds to navigate the platform effortlessly. accessible, reliable, and efficient job portal. It also provided
an invaluable learning experience, improving our technical
During the course of this project, we encountered several expertise and problem-solving skills throughout the
challenges that required careful analysis and problem- development process.
solving. These obstacles served as valuable learning
experiences, compelling us to conduct in-depth research and 6. REFERENCE
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