Page 522 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
· Compare diagnostic accuracy and user outcomes
between the two groups.
User Testing:
· Recruit participants from diverse demographics to test
the system’s usability and engagement.
· Use task-based testing to observe user interactions and
gather qualitative feedback.
Real-World Deployment:
· Pilot the system in real-world scenarios, such as
community mental health programs or clinical settings.
· Collect and analyze data on system performance, user
behavior, and clinical outcomes.
Feedback Analysis:
· Gather feedback through structured interviews, focus
groups, and surveys.
· Use insights to identify areas for improvement and Fig.4 Analysis
refine the system.
1. Accuracy and Diagnostic Performance
4. Expected Results The system’s ability to identify psychological disorders was
High diagnostic accuracy with sensitivity and specificity evaluated using clinical datasets and real-world data from
exceeding 85%. participants. Key findings include:
Positive user experience with satisfaction scores above High Diagnostic Accuracy:
80% on post-interaction surveys. · Sensitivity: 89%, indicating the system's ability to
correctly identify individuals with psychological
Significant improvement in engagement and adherence
compared to traditional methods.
· Specificity: 92%, showing its effectiveness in avoiding
Demonstration of the system’s scalability and false-positive results.
robustness in handling diverse datasets and user bases. · F1 Score: 0.90, demonstrating a balanced performance
5. Challenges in Performance Evaluation in precision and recall.
Variability in User Behavior: Address differences in Comparative Advantage:
how users interact with the system by designing flexible · The Mental Well System outperformed traditional
evaluation criteria. diagnostic methods, which had an average sensitivity
Algorithm Bias: Ensure fairness by testing the system and specificity of 75% and 80%, respectively.
across diverse demographic groups. · Early detection of symptoms allowed for timely
intervention in 87% of cases.
Ethical Considerations: Maintain user trust through
strict adherence to data privacy standards and 2. User Engagement and Usability
transparency. The user experience was assessed through surveys,
interviews, and system usage analytics:
6. Tools and Techniques
Machine Learning Metrics: Evaluate the performance High User Satisfaction:
of predictive models using confusion matrices, ROC · 85% of participants rated the system as easy to use and
curves, and F1 scores. effective in monitoring mental health.
· Users appreciated features like real-time feedback and
Usability Tools: Leverage usability testing platforms personalized recommendations.
like Usability Hub for remote user testing.
Improved Engagement:
Analytics Dashboards: Monitor real-time system · 78% of participants actively used the system for daily
performance and user interactions through analytics
mood tracking and symptom monitoring.
· Adherence to suggested interventions (e.g., mindfulness
VI. RESULT ANALYSIS exercises, therapy sessions) increased by 40%
The result analysis of the Mental Well System focuses on compared to control groups.
evaluating its effectiveness in identifying psychological Positive Feedback:
disorders, user engagement, and overall impact on mental ·
health care. This section provides insights derived from the Users cited the system’s accessibility, non-intrusiveness,
system’s deployment, data analysis, and comparison with and privacy-preserving features as major strengths.
traditional diagnostic methods. 3. Impact on Mental Health Outcomes
The Mental Well System demonstrated measurable
improvements in mental health care:
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 512