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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                       MentalWell: An Innovative Smart System for Early
                    Detection and Management of Psychological Disorders

                               Mr. Lokesh Gakhre , Mr. Harshal Raut , Prof. Usha Kosarkar
                                           1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
                         1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative
             This research introduces MentalWell, an AI-driven system   tool in mental healthcare, revolutionizing how psychological
             designed to revolutionize early detection and management   conditions  are  detected,  monitored,  and  managed.  AI
             of psychological disorders during a global mental health   techniques,  including  machine  learning,  natural  language
             crisis.  It  highlights  AI's  transformative  potential  in   processing, and deep learning, enable the analysis of diverse,
             addressing  challenges  such  as  timely  diagnosis,   high-dimensional datasets, uncovering patterns and offering
             personalized  treatment,  and  accessible  care.  Utilizing   predictive insights for mental health interventions. These
             advanced  machine  learning  and  natural  language   advancements  extend  to  applications  such  as  diagnosing
             processing (NLP), MentalWell analyzes diverse data sources   mood  disorders,  supporting  emotional  regulation,  and
             to identify mental health issues early and deliver tailored   improving  outcomes  for  conditions  like  schizophrenia,
             interventions.                                     autism, and neurodegenerative diseases.
             The study critiques traditional mental health assessments,   The integration of AI-powered systems, such as Autonomous
             showcasing AI's ability to overcome barriers with real-time,   Psychological Health Monitoring (APHM), offers unparalleled
             scalable solutions. Ethical and privacy considerations are   potential  for  real-time  data  analysis  through  multimodal
             integral, ensuring algorithms remain culturally sensitive,   sensing technologies, including smartphones, wearables, and
             unbiased,  and  secure.  Key  features  include  sentiment   chatbots.  These  systems  facilitate  early  detection,
             analysis  and  multimodal  data  integration  for  accurate   personalized  care,  and  continuous  monitoring,  ensuring
             assessments and actionable insights.               tailored  support  and  improving  therapeutic  outcomes.
                                                                However,  this  transformative  approach  necessitates
             A  systematic  methodology  underpins  the  research,   addressing  challenges like ethical considerations, privacy
             involving  literature  reviews,  comparisons  of  existing  AI   concerns, and algorithmic fairness, ensuring culturally aware
             models, and algorithm development. Applications include   and unbiased implementations.
             managing  schizophrenia,  autism,  mood  disorders,  and
             neurodegenerative  conditions,  as  well  as  supporting   This  synthesis  underscores  the  growing  importance  of
             emotional  regulation,  online  therapy,  and  treatment   leveraging AI in mental healthcare to improve diagnostic
             monitoring. Challenges like limited datasets, algorithmic   accuracy,  streamline  clinical  workflows,  and  provide
             fairness,  and  clinical  integration  are  addressed  using   accessible, cost-effective solutions for a global population. By
             implementation science.                            uniting technological innovation with clinical expertise, AI is
                                                                poised  to  redefine  mental  health  care,  offering  hope  and
             The study concludes by envisioning advancements in early
                                                                improved outcomes for individuals worldwide.
             detection,  multimodal  technologies,  and  global  clinical
             adoption. MentalWell establishes itself as a pioneering AI   II.   RELATED WORK
             solution,  setting  a  transformative  trajectory  for  mental   The  intersection  of  artificial  intelligence  (AI)  and  mental
             health care.                                       health  has gained considerable attention  in  recent years,
                                                                with research focusing on utilizing advanced computational

             KEYWORDS: MentalWell, artificial intelligence (AI), machine   techniques to address critical challenges in psychological
             learning  and  natural  language  processing  (NLP),  early   care. Mental health issues, particularly mood disorders such
                                                                as depression and anxiety, present a significant challenge
             detection,  personalized  treatment,  sentiment  analysis,
                                                                worldwide,   especially   among   youth.   Depression,
             multimodal  data,  ethical  considerations,  privacy  concerns,
                                                                characterized  by  emotional,  cognitive,  somatic,  and
             algorithmic  fairness,  online  therapy  platforms,  emotional
                                                                behavioral symptoms, can lead to severe outcomes, including
             regulation,  neurodegenerative  disorders,  schizophrenia,
                                                                suicide, one of the leading  causes of death among  young
             autism spectrum disorders, mood disorders
                                                                adults  in  World.  The  COVID-19  pandemic  further
                                                                exacerbated these mental health challenges, with increased
             I.     INTRODUCTION
                                                                rates of depression and anxiety among young individuals.
             Mental health conditions are a pervasive global challenge,
                                                                However,  advancements  in  technology,  such  as  wearable
             impacting  over  1  billion  individuals  annually  and
                                                                devices, mobile applications, and artificial intelligence (AI)-
             significantly contributing to the global disease burden. With
                                                                enabled  solutions,  offer  new  opportunities  for  early
             an estimated 32.4% of years lived with disability attributed   diagnosis,  treatment,  and  monitoring  of  mental  health
             to mental illnesses, the gap in care is further exacerbated by
             a severe shortage of mental health professionals, worsened
             by the COVID-19 pandemic. This crisis calls for innovative   Technological Innovations in Mental Health Monitoring
             solutions to bridge the care gap and improve accessibility.   Ecological  Momentary  Assessment  (EMA),  facilitated  by
                                                                smartphones, allows real-time tracking of an individual's
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