Page 531 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

                  Fig1: Flowchart of AI methodologies in autonomous psychological health monitoring (APHM) systems
             VI.    RESULT ANALYSIS                             3.  Continuous Monitoring Benefits:
             The  result  analysis  of  the  AI-driven  mental  health     Early  Detection  of  Relapse:  Continuous  monitoring
             assessment and treatment framework reveals several key   facilitated  by  the  AI  framework  enabled  the  early
             findings:                                              identification of potential relapses, allowing for timely
             1.  Diagnostic Accuracy:
               High Precision and Recall: The AI model demonstrated     Patient  Engagement:  The  integration  of  AI-driven
                a high level of precision and recall in identifying mental   chatbots  provided  patients  with  accessible  support,
                health conditions, indicating its reliability in diagnostic   enhancing  engagement  and  adherence  to  treatment
                applications.                                       protocols.
               Comparative  Performance:  When  benchmarked    4.  Ethical and Practical Considerations:
                against traditional assessment methods, the AI system     Data Privacy Compliance: Robust data encryption and
                showed  comparable,  if  not  superior,  accuracy,   adherence to privacy regulations ensured the protection
                suggesting its viability as a supplementary diagnostic   of patient information throughout the study.
                                                                  Bias  Mitigation:  Ongoing  assessments  revealed
             2.  Personalized Treatment Efficacy:                   minimal  biases  in  the  AI  model's  recommendations,
               Improved  Patient  Outcomes:  Patients  receiving  AI-  promoting  equitable  care  across  diverse  patient
                personalized  treatment  plans  exhibited  notable   demographics.
                improvements in mental health metrics, highlighting the   These  findings  underscore  the  potential  of  AI-driven
                effectiveness of tailored interventions.
                                                                frameworks to augment  mental  health care by providing
               Adaptive Interventions: The system's ability to adjust   accurate  diagnostics,  personalized  treatments,  and
                treatment  recommendations  in  real-time  based  on   continuous support, while also highlighting the importance
                patient progress contributed to sustained therapeutic   of ethical considerations in deploying such technologies.
                engagement and better outcomes.

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