Page 531 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Fig1: Flowchart of AI methodologies in autonomous psychological health monitoring (APHM) systems
VI. RESULT ANALYSIS 3. Continuous Monitoring Benefits:
The result analysis of the AI-driven mental health Early Detection of Relapse: Continuous monitoring
assessment and treatment framework reveals several key facilitated by the AI framework enabled the early
findings: identification of potential relapses, allowing for timely
1. Diagnostic Accuracy:
High Precision and Recall: The AI model demonstrated Patient Engagement: The integration of AI-driven
a high level of precision and recall in identifying mental chatbots provided patients with accessible support,
health conditions, indicating its reliability in diagnostic enhancing engagement and adherence to treatment
applications. protocols.
Comparative Performance: When benchmarked 4. Ethical and Practical Considerations:
against traditional assessment methods, the AI system Data Privacy Compliance: Robust data encryption and
showed comparable, if not superior, accuracy, adherence to privacy regulations ensured the protection
suggesting its viability as a supplementary diagnostic of patient information throughout the study.
Bias Mitigation: Ongoing assessments revealed
2. Personalized Treatment Efficacy: minimal biases in the AI model's recommendations,
Improved Patient Outcomes: Patients receiving AI- promoting equitable care across diverse patient
personalized treatment plans exhibited notable demographics.
improvements in mental health metrics, highlighting the These findings underscore the potential of AI-driven
effectiveness of tailored interventions.
frameworks to augment mental health care by providing
Adaptive Interventions: The system's ability to adjust accurate diagnostics, personalized treatments, and
treatment recommendations in real-time based on continuous support, while also highlighting the importance
patient progress contributed to sustained therapeutic of ethical considerations in deploying such technologies.
engagement and better outcomes.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 521