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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
                                                                By granting access to authorized users based on their kind, it
                                                                preserves  system  and  data  security.  It  successfully
                                                                eliminates the need for manual paperwork. Changes brought
                                                                about by the Pharmacy Management System's growth are
                                                                advantageous to both pharmacies and users. We anticipate
                                                                using the application going ahead to offer efficient, safe and
                                                                high-quality pharmacy services.
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                             Fig 5: Homepage
                                                                      “Taxonomy”  of  Pertinent  Equipment  and  Services,
             The user will enter the application after successfully logging   American  Journal  of  Management  Science  and
             in. Numerous medications that may be ordered are shown   Engineering.
             here.  There  are  instructions  on  how  and  when  to  utilize   [3]   Ratsimbazafimahefa HR., Sadeghipour F., Trouiller P.
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             3.  Analytics-Driven Decision Making                     df
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               The  app  significantly  increased  accuracy,  sped  up   General  Surgery.  Indian  Journal  of  Pharmaceutical
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               One of the most notable benefits is that patients now   75(1),11.
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             In conclusion, it is evident that improvements in pharma-  [12]   Alanazi, A., Rabiah, F. A., Gadi, H. A., Househ, M., &
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             Additionally,  it  offers  an  automated  and  computerized   Informatics  in  Medicine  Unlocked,  11,  1–8.
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