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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                          MediTrackPro: A Robust Platform for Efficient
                           Medicine Stock and Information Management

                                    Shreya Patle , Shreya Mate , Prof. Anupam Chaube
                                           1,2,3,4 Department of Science and Technology,
                          1,2 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                          3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           I.     INTRODUCTION
             Pharmaceutical  inventory  management  is  crucial  to   In  the  Fast-moving  healthcare  field,  the  accuracy  and
             guaranteeing  the  timely  supply  of  medications  to   efficiency of the medication process management to ensure
             consumers, hospitals, and clinics. This article describes the   patient  safety  and  Improving  patient  health  results  has
             design,  development,  and  deployment  of  StockMeds,  an   become foremost. In between prescribers and patients, the
             online  pharmaceutical  stock  management  system.   pharmacies play a fundamental role in the integration  of
             StockMeds helps pharmacies, hospitals, and distributors to   medication   distribution   and   administration.   The
             properly  manage  their  inventory,  track  it  in  real  time,   implementation of traditional pharmacy operations often
             estimate demand, and expedite procurement procedures.   have to face numerous challenges, including manual errors,
             This system is intended to solve issues such as stockouts,   lack of real-time inventory tracking, limited interoperability
             overstocking,   expiry   tracking,   and   counterfeit   with  other  healthcare  systems.  These  compromises
             pharmaceuticals.  The  paper  goes  into  the  system   significantly reduces the efficiency and pose a risk of patient
             architecture, database design, major features, and possible   well-being.  Thus  including  an  automated  pharmacy
             advantages for pharmaceutical companies and healthcare   management system comes out to be promising approach to
             providers.                                         these long- standing issues, changing the way pharmacies

                                                                operate and interact with the broader healthcare ecosystem.
             KEYWORDS: Pharmaceutical practices, Platform, Inventory
             Management, Hospital Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy, Drug

                                          Fig 1: Block diagram of pharmacy Management
             The main goal of the system is to develop and propose a   II.   LITERATURE SURVEY
             strong  pharmacy  management  system  that  will  improve   Pharmaceutical  administration  has  become  increasingly
             inventory  control,  expedite  pharmacy  operations,  and   important in the sphere of contemporary healthcare in this
             integrate with electronic health records (EHRs). By utilizing   rapidly  expanding  period,  guaranteeing  appropriate
             these  technologies,  our  system  seeks  to  reduce   inventory control and handling of prescriptions across many
             pharmaceutical mistakes and maximize stock levels in this   pharmacy organizations. These management systems are the
             rapidly expanding era of automation and data analytics. As a   result of the efforts of several researchers.
             consolidated platform, our technology will let pharmacists
             effectively  handle  prescriptions,  maintain  drug  data,  and   In his book "Pharmaceutical Automation: Algorithms and
                                                                Drug  Dispensation,"  Carlisle  George  [2012]  discussed
             monitor inventory levels in real time.
                                                                algorithms  for  effective  medication  issuance,  patient
             The pharmacy management system streamlines the entire   monitoring,  and  control  mechanisms,  among  many  other
             medication management process by integrating a centralized   ideas. Given the enormous growth of the Internet of Things
             database, pharmacists (administrators), and patients (users)   (IOT), Agrawal et al. (2017) and Smith and colleagues (2018)
             in a seamless manner. Figure 1 provides an example of this   developed a method for hospital department services and
             thorough  integration.  Patients  are  given  access  to  an   mapping  the  current  condition  of  hospital  pharmacy
             authorized user interface that allows them to easily make   operations.
             orders and peruse the available drug inventory.

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