Page 513 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
with a steep learning curve. Many elderly users can feel internet bandwidth conditions and puts an end to any
intimidated navigating these systems to the extent of disruptions during conferences or events. Advanced
avoiding usage, while their contribution is usually compression techniques can ease the burden on the network
welcome. The need here is for simplification through further without compromising quality.
guided tutorials or onboarding.
Security remains a number one priority since video
Platforms that prioritize user-friendly design are better conferencing often includes sensitive data. It is very
positioned to attract and retain a broader audience. important that end-to-end encryption should be
implemented as a standard across all platforms in order to
Compatibility and Device Limitations keep communications secure from any unauthorized access.
Also, incompatibility reduces the efficiency of the video
conferencing system. In addition, different devices, operating With more multilingual feature inclusions, video
systems, and browsers often give varied experiences to the conferencing can be done on more inclusive grounds. Real-
participants. A feature available in the desktop version of an time translations are enabled by the power of artificial
application might not be accessible in a mobile version. Not intelligence, thereby enabling participants to talk to each
only do such features limit usability of the platform but also other in different languages. In addition to the previously
cause disruption during the meetings. Feature unification mentioned, features like auto-captions and transcription
and performance optimization at all devices are important services widen the accessibility scope of such sites for users
steps towards the resolution of such problems. Cultural who have diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. These
and Social Challenges tools especially play a vital part in international business
meetings, international conventions, or educational sessions.
The other challenges of video conferencing pertain to
cultural and social aspects. For cultures relying on body It needs a noncomplicated interface with easy understanding
language and face-to-face interactions, plastic for the end-users, mainly nontechnical. Simple layouts and
communication cannot be achieved through video calls. guided tutorials will go a long way toward making the
Moreover, in virtual meetings with continuous screen technology usable. This will be further and further simplified
exposure, issues such as "Zoom Fatigue" will eventually by having customized dashboards, showing them only what
arise, which is theoretically the mental exhaustion of each needs to see. A standard interface across smartphones,
participants after a very extended session. tablets, and desktop devices will ensure complete
seamlessness in operation.
Each of these is an issue to be addressed, meaning that one
would have to come up with features similar to an in-person It will be great if the ability to take and share notes during
setting: virtual reality environments or video of higher meetings enhances collaboration. Every platform should be
quality so that non-verbal cues can be seen more clearly. able to have built-in tools for note-taking that will enable
participants to note the key points in a meeting. These notes
Environmental and Sustainability Concerns
can be saved and shared automatically with attendees after
With the increasing dependence on video conferencing,
the meeting, eliminating the need for manual follow-ups.
there are also concerns over its environmental impact,
mainly due to energy consumption by data centers and IX. FUTURE SCOPE
network infrastructure. While it reduces the need to travel, In future we will improve real connect for more better
which again helps lower carbon emissions, with increased seamless communication. By improving more video and
usage, the need for sustainable practices will be highly audio quality to it. Also adding more numbers of languages
essential. Green computing initiatives, such as energy- so that any one can use it smoothly. Real connect is going to
efficient servers and optimized software, can go a long way be a more simple and easily uderstandable tool. Future
in reducing the ecological footprint of these platforms. A research could focus on expanding the platform's
balance between functionality and sustainability will be key capabilities, such as integrating VR technologies for
in future developments. immersive meetings and testing performance with larger
and more diverse user groups.
Psychological and Emotional Challenges Virtual
meetings are burdensome on the psychological well- X. CONCLUSION
being of participants. In addition to the lack of physical This study successfully demonstrates the potential of "Real
presence, virtual meetings lack the facility for accurate Connect" to redefine video conferencing for professional
judgment of non-verbal cues; misunderstandings and interactions by addressing the gaps in current platforms.
feelings of isolation abound. Moreover, the demand to
Key findings show that AI-driven features, adaptive
remain attentive and professional on camera is mentally
streaming, and enhanced engagement tools can improve
exhausting during long sessions. The issues could be
user satisfaction and productivity.
mitigated with features like virtual backgrounds,
customizable avatars, and mandatory wellness breaks "Real Connect" offers a scalable and secure solution,
during meetings. ensuring accessibility and inclusivity for a global audience.
VIII. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS The platform aligns with user expectations by integrating
While the video conferencing platforms have changed the privacy-focused and user-friendly features, making it a
way communication is carried out, much can be done to reliable tool for professionals and students alike.
make it better and handle the challenges being faced in
usability. One very important feature in this direction is It helps in saving money, time and energy. Easily
understandable for any age group of people.
bandwidth optimization. The platform should be able to give
adaptive streaming technology that will automatically adjust "Real Connect" sets the foundation for the next era of video
resolutions of video and audio according to the network conferencing, fostering seamless and meaningful
conditions. It ensures smooth performance even with low professional interactions.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 503