Page 510 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
the latest studies have indicated that the use of Zoom value, with disabilities or those in areas with poor internet
Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet increased dramatically connectivity are often overlooked. Current platforms also
during the COVID-19 period, primarily supporting work face issues with scalability, especially during large meetings,
from home and virtual meetings. For instance, some proofs where performance can drop.
were provided by Smith et al. (2020) regarding the various This study introduces Real Connect, a new video
characteristics of the platforms, which typically impart conferencing platform designed to tackle these gaps. It will
productivity, video fatigue being one of the challenges—this include AI-powered features like adaptive streaming for low-
was long and back-to-back video meetings. Another piece of bandwidth connections, and multilingual translation. Users
research by Lee et al. (2019) reported how the AI features, will gain improved meeting participation through features
which included real-time transcription and background that enable virtual note-taking together with personalized
noise reduction, truly improved the video conferencing meeting control functions. Accessibility remains a central
experience. Nonetheless, the study by Patel et al. (2022) focus of the platform development as the project includes
showed that some challenges continued to hamper the functionality designed for disabled users along with assistive
performance of video conferencing technologies: "the risk of technology compatibility. Real Connect uses a cloud-based
data privacy, heavy dependence on internet speed..."
system which successfully manages big meetings without
Also, communication theories related are needed to be compromising device performance. The system incorporates
expounded upon around communication and technology features which correct earlier platform limitations by
itself. Communication theory illustrates both verbal and non- improving user experience while empowering advanced
verbal communication in a video-conferencing scenario. The professional connection capabilities.
division between the two is made where verbal III. FRAMEWORK OF THE WORK
communication is absolutely fine with videoconferencing
Real connect aims to ensure real understanding of the
performance. However, non-verbal cues, like gestures, facial
existing challenges and expectations of users. The research
expressions, etc., very important in forming connections due methodology is based on a mixed-method approach, using
to a lack of time, are not shown properly in both qualitative and quantitative methods for data
videoconferencing situations.
collection, hence giving extensive and deep-seated data
People adopt technology according to the findings of Davis insight. This will be particularly helpful in understanding
(1989) in the Technology Acceptance Model if the system user behavior, limitations in technology, and areas where
proves beneficial and easy to operate hence professionals innovation may be possible in video conferencing tools.
choose specific video conferencing tools. According to Media
The methodological choice for this study will be a mixed-
Richness Theory developed by Daft and Lengel in 1986 video
method design that converges strengths of qualitative and
conferencing qualifies as a rich medium since it enables
quantitative analyses together. Its qualitative component
advanced messaging but group meeting effectiveness
will provide depth regarding users' experiences and
declines when participants lose focus.
opinions, whereas its quantitative counterpart will elaborate
Although advances have been achieved existing video on measurable patterns regarding user preference and
conferencing solutions demonstrate ongoing functional satisfaction levels.
deficiencies. Research primarily focuses on enhancing video
and audio technology although it fails to investigate The core of our project is to develop a video conferencing
tool that can help solve some major challenges posed by
sufficient strategies to improve user engagement. Audio-
most of the earlier tools in terms of video quality, bland
related interactive capabilities and real-time transcription
engagement, and even security vulnerabilities. To ensure
features exist yet still receive limited application in video
this, the tool will be integrated with key features such as HD
conferencing applications. The challenges users with
video and audio calls, text-based chat, screen sharing, and so
disabilities face alongside users in regions with limited
on. Apart from that, the upgrade will also bring a number of
Internet connectivity remain poorly addressed. Current
advanced functionalities active real-time transcription based
video conferencing platforms struggle to scale during
on AI, virtual backgrounds, and interactive tools like notes.
meetings with high participant numbers because their
We combine our ideas to provide smooth and enjoyable
systems often experience decreased performance levels.
Real Connect represents a newly developed virtual meeting
platform which seeks to overcome these documentational On the front-end side, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will ensure
shortcomings. The system features AI-driven low-bandwidth responsiveness and intuitiveness. These technologies allow
adaptive features together with interface translation us to provide a clean layout with easy navigation, consistent
between multiple languages. which helps explain why some performance across desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.
professionals prefer certain video conferencing tools. Media The backbone of our application for real-time
Richness Theory by Daft and Lengel (1986) considers video communication will be WebRTC, or Web Real-Time
conferencing a rich medium because it supports complex Communication. WebRTC is an open-source framework that
communication, but its effectiveness reduces in large group allows for peer-to-peer communication of audio, video, and
meetings due to low engagement levels. data directly in web browsers without any plugins or
additional software. It ensures low latency and high-quality
Despite the progress made, there are still gaps in current media transmission, which are critical for video conferencing
video conferencing platforms. Most research focuses on applications.
improving technical aspects, like better video and audio
quality, but does not explore enough ways to boost user The backend infrastructure is to be designed using
engagement. Features like live transcription or interactive lightweight technologies that can manage signaling,
tools, which could make meetings more engaging, are not authentication, and data routing easily. While this project is
commonly used. Similarly, accessibility challenges for users primarily frontend-heavy and majorly deals with WebRTC
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 500