Page 511 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
P. 511
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
integration, we intend to make use of AI tools in enhancing
the functionality of the platform. AI-Driven Features.
Our video conferencing tool will house regular and advanced
features for both a simple creator and large organizations.
The list of regular features pertains to high-definition outlay
video and audio communication, text chat, and screen
sharing. These functionalities form the core of any solid
video conferencing solution. Advanced features shall
differentiate our tool from among the current set of
solutions. AI-driven virtual backgrounds shall enable users
to substitute their real-world backgrounds with images of
their choice. That at least gives some assurance of privacy
and professionalism, especially in formal meetings. The UI
design is pretty crucial in ensuring a good user experience.
Simplicity and ease of use will be the focus for our UI, plus a
modern aesthetic appealing to current design trends. Clear
options regarding the joining or hosting of meetings should
appear on the home page, with a layout that smoothly walks
users through the platform's features
Video conferencing is a new way of communicating between
two or more places that are interactive and interconnected,
allowing for real-time communication by electronically
exchanging audio, video, and data signals. It has also changed Fig.1 video conferening system
the mode of communication; it provides an environment V.
which allows smooth, uninterrupted communication no COMPONENTS OF VIDEO CONFERENCE
The Hardware
matter how far the participants are. Compared to audio
The intervening network that carries the signals
conferencing, video conferencing gives a more personal and
between sites.
interactive atmosphere. The participants are able to see each
The conference environment or room
other, perceive facial expressions, and read body language-
all very important aspects of communication. 1. The Hardware
The basic equipment needed for a video conference session
Video conferencing allows viewers to simulate face-to-face
includes a camera, microphone, video conferencing unit,
interaction in order to feel a connection and work with
participants. The emotional and intended meanings of words display unit, and audio system. Camera – A camera to
are conveyed quite well through facial expressions, capture images and convert them into an electrical signal.
The location of the camera must be ideal to allow for realistic
gesturing, and other non-verbal communication. Such visual
aspects make the meaning clear and minimize eye contact. Also, the good quality and functionality of the
cameras should be able to provide a sharper, more colourful
misunderstandings; therefore, video conferencing is
image, with less visual noise. Microphone – Microphones
preferred to conduct business meetings, educational
used in VC are usually very sensitive and should be placed
sessions, and personal conversations.
away from equipment like projectors which can produce
Video conferencing has revolutionized the way business is some background noise. Video Conferencing Unit – The VC
done. The teams working at different locations can now be unit usually referred to as the codec (Coder/Decoder)
connected through these without having to result in accepts the vision and sound signals (video and audio) and
traveling, which saves time and money. Due to this facility, processes them into a suitable format for transmission
employees can now work from home comfortably and attend through the network to the remote site. To receive
meetings, training sessions, and various discussions while information the Decoder does the reverse: it accepts the
sitting at home. Firms can conduct interviews, webinars, and digital signals from the remote site over the network and
even regular client follow-ups through video conferencing. decodes or converts these into video and audio. Finally, this
video and audio are fed to a display unit and speaker to
Video conferencing has indeed been a great asset to the display the pictures and reproduce the sound from the
educational sector. Online classes, virtual seminars, and remote site respectively. Display Unit – A display unit can be
collaborative group projects are now more accessible than either a TV unit or a projector projecting onto a surface. The
ever. Students can interact with teachers and peers alike display unit is connected to the codec.
while asking questions and contributing to discussions just
as they would in a real physical classroom, opening this up 2. The Network
for remote or underserved areas. A network in video conferencing facilitates real-time
transmission of audio and video data between participants at
More importantly, video conferencing can be adapted to
remote locations. In such systems, the network’s role is to
personal communication. Different locations don't
handle the transmission of digitized signals, processed by
necessarily separate families and friends; they can still get
the video conferencing unit (codec), to remote sites and
along with each other, celebrate any occasion, and share
back. These signals include both audio and video data
special moments instantly.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 501