Page 516 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             Recognizing  the  need  for  interoperability,  Jones  [2019]   easy navigation. Options like "Login," "SignUp," and "Admin"
             introduced  a  framework  to  integrate  the  pharmacy   are among the options in this sidebar menu that are specific
             management  system  (PMS)  with  the  electronic  medical   to particular user roles and tasks. The program dynamically
             record (EMR) systems. Thus, it helped in improvement of   adjusts  to  offer  particular  functions  based  on  the  user's
             data security and management of medical record, Not only   selection:
             that the framework introduced many more innovative ideas   Admin
             by several people in the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and   Administrators have the ability to add, view, update, and
             Machine Learning (ML). Also, Chen et al. [2020] introduced   remove drugs from  the system's  database.  They can also
             robotic dispensing system, where Artificial Intelligence (AI)   access and manage customer details, as well as review and
             with automation was combined to demonstrate a streamline   oversee order information.
             medication  processes.  Furthermore,  more  recently  Juan
             Gonzalez  [2023]  investigated  on  the  impact  of  mobile   Login
             applications on the Patient Medication adherence (signifies   Registered  customers,  upon  successfully  logging  in,  gain
             that the patient and physician collaborate to improve the   access  to  a  personalized  view  of  their  inventory,  order
             patient’s health) and patient engagement within pharmacy   history and can easily browse through many more medicines
             management systems. Similarly, Emily Davis [2023] focused   and add it into its inventory and perform various operations.
             on the integration of blockchain technology for secure and
             transparent medication supply chain management     Signup
                                                                New users can easily create an account by navigating to the
             These contributions have covered a range of topics related to   "Sign Up" option.
             pharmacy administration, such as patient safety, automation,   IV.   SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
             inventory control, interoperability, and the implementation
                                                                Our system's design is layered and modular to guarantee
             of new technology. More study and innovation in this field
                                                                scalability and effective database administration. Because it
             will  be  essential  for  improving  drug  management   is a web application, it may be accessed from a variety of
             procedures and patient care in general as healthcare needs   devices and places. The database component, which sits at
             continue to change.
                                                                the heart of the system, is utilized to store and handle all of
             III.   PROPOSED WORK                               the information pertaining to patients, orders, inventories,
             Our goal is to automate different pharmacy procedures in   and medications.
             order to lower the possibility of human mistake, guarantee
             accurate  inventory  management,  and  maintain  patient
             records utilizing a graphical user interface. Interoperability
             has  been  given  top  priority  in  this  project,  allowing  for
             smooth interaction with electronic medical records (EMRs).
             This  project  allows  the  user  to  maintain  their  profile  by
             choosing  the  dosage  of  medication  that  the  doctor  has
             recommended  and  creating  a  list  of  it.  Additionally,  the
             authentication  system  is  appropriately  built  to  improve
             patient data protection from any unauthorized individuals.
             The suggested system is broken up into several modules and
             serves the needs of consumers, administrators, medications,   Fig 3: Client-server architecture
             and orders.
                                                                Figure 3 shows that the database component follows the
             The  backend where the data is  managed  is  done by  SQL   client – server architecture where the interface acts as the
             Server database, it provides reliability. The graphical user   intermediator in between the user and the database. The
             interface(GUI) is designed to be simple and user-friendly for   user fires the SQL queries through the interface, which then
             the user to interact freely. The main technology which forms   communicates with the Database to execute the queries and
             the  root  of  the  proposed  system  is  done  by  python   retrieve  or  update  the  requested  data.  This  type  of
             programming  language,  and  streamlit  for  the  web   architecture ensures the abstraction of data and separates
             application  framework.  These  technology  stack  combine   the Interface layer handling user interactions, the Database
             make a robust system for inventory management, patient   layer managing data storage and retrieval and ensures the
             record management, billing and claims processing, reporting   data integrity.
             and analytics.
                                                                V.     PERFORMANCE EVALUATION
                                                                The  Pharmacy  Management  System  offers  the  ability  to
                                                                effectively manage operations linked to pharmaceuticals. Its
                                                                primary focus is on providing pharmacies with high-quality

                      Fig.2: Different modules in system
             The  Streamlit  web  app  may  be  accessed  through  the
             application's primary hub, which also has a sidebar menu for       Fig 4: Designed UI

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