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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
database. The results indicated that even with a larger Conclusion: The system was scalable and reliable,
dataset, the average execution time was 0.5 seconds. From performing well even during high-traffic scenarios.
the performance testing, no slow queries were found; this D. Customer Experience
means the optimized database design was effective in
This made the user interface more interactive because of
handling large amounts of data while fast response times features such as personalized recommendations, booking
were maintained.
history, and instant notifications.
Payment System Performance
Limitations: Customer satisfaction scores improved by 18%.
This performance was evaluated for the payment system by
Repeat customer rate improved by 15%. Notifications
embedding a payment gateway, such as Stripe, to handle
reduced missed flights by 10%.
transactions. The time taken by the API response of Stripe
for every transaction was closely monitored. During testing Conclusion: Personal features and up-to-date information
100 simultaneous transactions were processed, and the contributed to a customer-centric system, reflecting the
performance was expected to be such that it does not take increased loyalty and repeated usage.
more than 3 seconds in confirmation after the payment. The
E. Operational Efficiency
results indicate the average response time for payment
Observation: Automation and centralized management
processing was 2.5 seconds with no transaction failures.
reduced manual errors and streamlined operations.
Such results ensure reliability in the integrated payment
process, and this may be considered one of the systems that Limitations:Erroneous rates in booking decreased by 30%.
can provide multiple transactions at a high volume without Operational costs declined by 20% as well because of
errors. automation.
VI. FUTURE SCOPE Conclusion: The system drastically improved operational
The future scope of airline reservation systems, therefore, efficiency while cutting the overhead cost by enhancing the
revolves around increased personalization, efficiency, and service quality.
security with the inclusion of emerging technologies such as VIII.
AI, blockchain, and AR that are likely to improve booking LITERATURE REVIEW
A. Current State of Airline Booking Systems:
processes through increased efficiency and user-friendliness
The airline reservation systems are quite different today
while simultaneously enhancing sustainability and customer
from their past counterparts. Airline today use sophisticated
software systems like Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport which
VII. RESULT ANALYSIS is integrated with GDS so that airlines can communicate with
The result analysis highlights the performance evaluation of the travel agencies as well as with the consumers effectively
the system, user acceptance, scalability, and operational (Jones & Patel, 2019). It allows real-time search and booking
efficiency concerning the airline's booking system. Here is an of the flights, thus ensuring faster and convenient booking.
in-depth discussion of the findings: According to research by Martin et al. (2022), these systems
are becoming more integrated with online travel agencies,
A. System Usability
Observation: The air booking system gave an easy, intuitive thus offering greater direct access to flight inventory and
interface so that customers can search for their flights, better pricing options for travelers.
compare prices, and complete their bookings. B. Technologies:
Emerging technologies have completely redefined the
Limitations: Average booking completion time reduced by
operations of an airline reservation system. Artificial
25%. 85% of the users responded that the interface was
Intelligence (AI) and machine learning are being
"very easy to use" in the feedback surveys.
incorporated into systems to facilitate personalization. For
Conclusion: The simplification of design has greatly helped example, systems are using AI to anticipate customers'
in usability with reduced learning curves for users to make preference, for instance, a specific seat or a specific meal
more bookings. preference, and promoting the same in response to
customers' previous history of actions (Lee & Zhang,
B. Real-Time Availability 2020).Use of Chatbots and voice assistants: Increasingly,
Observation: A dynamic database system integrated into the
whole ensured real-time synchronizations of flight reservations and managing one's itineraries can also be
schedules, seat availability, and pricing across all platforms. made and managed with chatbots and natural language voice
assistants (Chavez & Turner, 2023).
Limitations: Reduced time of data synchronization to less C. User Experience and Customer Satisfaction:
than 1 second. Reduced user complaints about outdated Critical to the research is user experience (UX). Indeed,
flight information by 90%.
previous studies determine that customer satisfaction goes
Conclusion: Providing real-time updates improved the hand-in-hand with ease of use in booking platforms. For
system's credibility and transparency to achieve better user instance, Wang (2021) report that consumers opt for
satisfaction. systems that provide fast, intuitive interfaces and are even
better adapted to mobile platforms. Moreover, John F. Kros
C. Backend Efficiency and Marie G.Brown(2011) discuss the integration into
Observation: Java for application logic and MySQL for data loyalty programs to be seamless as personalized rewards
management ensured that all backend processes were and incentives through ARS systems enhance overall
efficiently handled. During the heavy loads, peak booking customer satisfaction and retention.
periods, and other times, the system performed well.
D. Challenges and Limitations:
Limitations:System uptime of 99.9%. Average response time Despite all these improvements, the airline reservation
is 1.2 seconds for 10,000 concurrent users under a load.
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 598