Page 611 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             goods around the world rapidly and effectively. One main   strategies, and customer service.
             part of airline travel is the process of booking air tickets,     Determine how the COVID-19 pandemic affected the air
             meaning arranging flights for passengers and dealing with all   ticketing reservation and propose adjustments.
             logistical and operational issues.
                                                                  Research best practices within the industry that would
             Booking air tickets is more complicated and difficult these
                                                                    help make reservations more efficient and effective.
             days  compared  to  a  few  years  ago.  This  is  due  to  the
             emergence of booking websites, changed traveling habits,     Make recommendations for optimizing the reservation
             and new rules affecting airlines. Therefore, several problems   process  for  improved  customer  experience  and
             arise with air ticket bookings involving airlines and other   operational performance.
             travel companies. For example, overbooking, pricing, and
                                                                1.5.  Basic Concept of Air Ticket Reservation System:
             customer service problems are experienced by airlines and
                                                                Air  ticketing  reservation  is  a  very  important  part  of  the
             other travel companies.
                                                                travel industry. It makes it easy and fast for customers to
             The  number  of  people  wanting  to  fly  has  declined   book flights to where they want to go. Before computers
             dramatically due to travel rules, safety worries, and other   were used for reservations in the 1960s, airline tickets were
             reasons. Airlines had to change how they sell plane tickets to   sold  mostly  through  travel  agents  or  airline  offices.  This
             fit the new market situation while still ensuring that they   process  took  a  lot  of  time  and  was  not  very  effective.
             adhere  to  changing  safety  rules  and  guidelines.  For  this   Customers had to wait in long lines or make many phone
             reason, it is imperative that airlines and other travel service   calls to book their flights.
             companies have effective ways to book airline tickets that
                                                                Computer  reservation  systems,  including  Sabre  and
             are  easy  for  customers  and  can  adjust  to  changes  in  the
                                                                Amadeus, introduced in the 1970s and 1980s, simplified and
                                                                streamlined  the  process  of  making  reservations  for  air
             1.3.  A Clear Statement of the Problem :           tickets. They could present the actual real-time availability of
             This report focuses on the need to make the booking process   the  flights  along  with  their  pricing,  thus  facilitating  the
             more efficient and Effectiveness of the air ticket reservation   customer's decision to make bookings at the moment.
             process in the airline industry. This includes overbooking,
             pricing strategies, and customer service issues.The report   Today,  air  ticketing  reservation  is  typically  done  online
             aims  to  outline  strategies  for  the  improvement  of  ticket   through airline websites or third-party booking sites, such as
             reservation process to make it customer-friendly, adaptable,   Expedia or Customers can search for flights,
             and capable of meeting the changing needs of airlines and   compare prices and schedules, and make reservations using
             other travel service providers in an increasingly complex   a  variety  of  devices,  including  smartphones,  tablets,  and
             and demanding industry environment.
                                                                The  purpose  of  air  ticketing  reservations  is  to  provide
             1.4.  Study Objectives:
             Core Objectives of the Study                       customers  with  a  convenient  and  efficient  way  to  book
               The core objective of this research is to discuss the air   flights  and  travel  to  their  desired  destinations.  It  allows
                ticketing  reservation  process  of  the  airline  sector,   airlines  to  manage  their  flight  inventory  and  pricing  and
                identify its problems, and give suggestions on how to   provides  travel  agencies  and  booking  sites  with  a
                improve the efficiency and customer satisfaction levels   commission on each booking they make.
                as well as responsiveness to changing market situations.   Air ticketing reservation has revolutionized the way people
                                                                travel, making it easier and more accessible than ever before.
             Specific Objectives
                                                                It  has  also  created  new  job  opportunities  in  the  travel
               Review the existing process of air ticket reservation and   industry, including reservation agents, travel consultants,
                analyze its strengths and areas of improvement.
                                                                and IT professionals who develop and maintain reservation.
               Identify  problems  related  to  overbooking,  pricing

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