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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
             system has a number of problems. The most critical problem   interaction.   International   Journal   of   Travel
             is  security.  According  to  Brown  and  Cohen  (2020),   Technology, 12(4), 245-257.
             cyberattacks  on  reservation  systems  are  prone  to  data   [4]   John  F.  Kros,  Marie  G.  Brown(2011).Customer
             breaches that have affected the trust of customers. Another
                                                                      Satisfaction  in  Airline  Reservation  Systems:  An
             challenge is scalability; the reservation systems should be   Empirical Study,Vol. 25, No. 1.
             able to handle heavy traffic volumes especially during peak
             seasons  (Stewart  &  Lane,  2022).  Integrating  with  other   [5]   Brown,  T.,  &  Cohen,  L.  (2020).  Cybersecurity
             systems, including hotel booking and ground transportation,   challenges in airline reservation systems: A study of
             is  one  area  that  poses  difficulties  because  the  various   vulnerabilities  and  mitigation  strategies.  Journal  of
             providers may employ different standards and technologies.   Aviation Technology, 35(2), 134-145.
             IX.    CONCLUSION                                  [6]   Wang,  Y.,  Johnson,  M.,  &  Lee,  S.  (2021).  User
             FlySmart's fully integrated airline reservation system is the   experience and mobile interfaces in airline reservation
             benchmark for airlines looking to improve their operations   systems:  A  study  of  customer  preferences.  Travel
             with  modernization. The success in integrating advanced   Technology and Innovation Journal, 13(4), 200-214.
             technology  and  customer-focused  features  highlights  the   [7]
             importance of innovation in the competitive air transport   Stewart, D., & Lane, R. (2022). Scalability in airline
                                                                      reservation systems: Addressing peak traffic challenges.
                                                                      Journal of Airline Operations, 17(3), 98-112.
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