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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
               Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
                                       Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                              Comprehensive Airline Booking Systems:
                                           A Case Study of FlySmart

                                Diya Mandal , Vaishali Wankhede , Prof. Usha Kosharkar
                                           1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
                          1,2 G H Raisoni Institute of Engineering and Technology, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
                          3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India

             ABSTRACT                                           sophisticated  technologies  to  simplify  the  processes,
             This  paper  analyzes  and  discusses  the  designs,   enhance  customer  experience,  and  maximize  the
             developments,  and  implementations  of  general  airline   effectiveness of airlines.
             booking systems from the aspect of FlySmart, a small-sized
             airline characterized by innovative thoughts on customer   These significance in travel industry are as follows:
             service.  The  findings  are  an  insightful  discussion  of  the   The airline booking systems transform the travel industry.
             systems architecture, strategy for integration of different   They automate key processes like ticketing, check-ins, and
             modules in the system, challenges encountered along the   cancellations, which minimizes the burden on staff, reduces
                                                                errors, and makes processes more efficient. These systems
             way,  and  future  areas  of  improvement  in  the  system.
             Generally, this system analysis will depict best practices by   make it possible for customers to book, manage reservations,
             FlySmart's airlines.                               and get updates 24/7.

                                                                Dynamic pricing strategies can maximize the revenues of
             KEYWORDS:  Airline  booking  systems,  FlySmart,  Customer   airlines. Integration with travel agencies and GDSs gives it a
             service  innovation,  Challenges  in  airline  systems,  Future   global  dimension,  thereby  maximizing  ticket  sales  and
             improvements, airline operations                   visibility.  Its  cost  reduction  mechanism  minimizes
                                                                interventions by humans, and it removes the need to print
             I.     INTRODUCTION                                tickets physically.
             An airline booking system is a specific software application   Real-time data and analytics will be available on booking
             used  to  manage  flight  reservations  and  related  travel   trends, customer preferences, and the operational efficiency
             services.  It  acts  as a  central  hub  for  interaction  between   that support decision-making. The new systems are highly
             airlines, travel agencies, and passengers to search for, book,   scalable to absorb higher transaction volumes at peak times
             and manage flight tickets. The latest systems incorporate   without losing quality service.

                     Fig.(a)World map with flight routes                            Fig.(b)Bar chart displaying booking trends

                                             Fig.(c)Real-time analysis and scalablity

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