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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        material  science,  semiconductor  Physics,  Biophysics  and   factor,  then  this  individual  will  easily  experience  the
        Biochemistry, Biotechnology was emphasized.            manifestation of his capabilities, but the main condition for
                                                               demonstrating talent is the ability to work. If a talent is a
        At the meeting with the scientists it was agreed to establish   lazy,  hardworking,  egoist,  then  naturally  from  his  talent
        permanent  commissions  in  four  directions.  The  first
                                                               neither to himself, nor to society will benefit. And the trained
        commission  shall  constantly  analyze  the  activities  of
                                                               creativity serves its owner first of all. Because such creativity
        research institutions, provide practical assistance in solving
                                                               will be purposeful, and the result will be considered its main
        existing problems, the second Commission shall analyze and   goal.
        evaluate the educational process and quality of education in
        higher educational institutions, the third Commission shall   Used literature
        analyze  the  spiritual  and  educational  work  in  higher   [1]   On  approval  of  the  concept  of  development  of  the
        educational institutions, the implementation of 5 initiatives,   system  of  public  education  of  the  Republic  of
        it was determined that the fourth Commission will work to   Uzbekistan        until       2030         //
        attract  our  compatriots  abroad,  who  have  achieved you know what?
        significant achievements in the field of higher education and   [2]
        science, to the activities on the specialty of our country.   Information  system  of  the  national  database  of
                                                                    legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan (www.
        "The neglect of investing in human capital could send a sharp   lex. uz).
        decline in the competitiveness of the country. After all, for   [3]   Mirziyoyev  Sh.  M.  We  will  continue  our  path  of
        the economic development of the country, it requires the
        education of talented people. At this time, correction of some   national development with determination and raise it
                                                                    to a new level. - J. I. - Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2017.
        shortcomings in cognitive and socio-emotional abilities in
        childhood  is  costly  when  reaching  the  age  of  puberty.   [4]   Mirziyoyev Sh. M. The consent of our people is the
        Therefore,  the  development  of  human  capital  by  the   highest assessment given to our activities. - I'm sorry.
        government in the first 1000 days of the life of the child will   II. - Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2018.
        have an economic effect .
                                                               [5]   Mirziyoyev  CityM.  Educated  generation-our  great
        Emotional-moral readiness for the creation of innovation:   future,  entrepreneurial  people-a  comfortable  life,
        the desire for the creation of innovation itself is not enough.   friendly cooperation-Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 2018.
        This  is  evidenced  by  the  complex  processes  in  life,  the   [6]   Sharipov  Sh.  Continuity  of  the  development  of
        resistance of society and the population to the penetration of
        innovation, the processes of struggle, opposition. So, apart   students ' creative abilities in the system of vocational
                                                                    education. Monographs. - Tashkent: Science, 2005. -
        from the person, the will, the deep respect and respect for his
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        work,  the  confidence  in  his  own  power,  the  proper
        distribution of his opportunities, the possession of his own   [7]   Omarzade Mohsin. Avesto secrets. // World literature,
        team, etc., that is, one of the very necessary characteristics   1997,  issue  4,  -  p.  199-200;  Hasanov  S.  Khorezm
        that is required is the issue of the emotional, psychological   enlightenment is the mirror of the olam. - T. : Teacher,
        and  moral  readiness  of  the  individual  to  create  this   1996. - p46
        innovation.  In  creativity,  the  issue  of  morality  prevails.   [8]
        Because a creative person requires a respectful approach to   Kayumav A., Is'hakov M., Atakho'jayev A., Sadigov Q.
                                                                    Ancient written monuments. - T. : Writer, 2000. - p 10
        both his personal and visual property, and to the property of
        others. Because, “cognitive capacity is not the only indicator   [9]   Hasanov  R.  Methodology  of  teaching  Fine  Arts  in
        of  human  capital.  Socio-emotional  skills  such  as  courage,   school. The textbook. - T: Science: 2004
        willpower  and  honesty  usually  bring  great  economic   [10]
        benefits.  Health  is  also  important.  Because  of,  the  labor   Bulatov  S.  S.,  Jabbarov  R.  R  Philosophical  and
                                                                    psychological  analysis  of  works  of  Fine  Arts.  -
        efficiency  of  healthy  people  will  be  high.”  physical-the
        presence of a talent factor: any creativity can be both natural   Tashkent: Publishing House” Science and technology",
        and nurtured. If creativity is formed on the basis of a natural

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