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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470

        are  decreasing  from  year  to  year  due  to  limited  water   supplied with excessive water, with low evaporation from
        resources. Analysis shows that over the years, the demand   the soil and water does not disperse across the field.
        for water is increasing, so we need to use a drop of water and   To  date,  M.Khamidov,  B.Matyakubov,  M.Sarimsakov,
        use it wisely.
                                                               Sh.Azizov, SA Mamatovs are doing research on the use of
        Drip  irrigation  system  is  a  pressure  irrigation  system   drip irrigation technology. They were used only when muddy
        designed to supply the plant with the required amount of   water  was  discontinued,  and  we  had  direct  use  without
        water to its root surface in the required amount of time.   interrupting muddy water.
        With the introduction of drip irrigation, water use and crop   Results of the study: The implementation of drip irrigation
        irrigation  have  a  number  of  advantages.  With  the   technology of intensive orchards on the area of 3 hectares in
        introduction of technology, the main goal is to save water for   the educational and scientific center of Bukhara branch of
        drip irrigation, water is only given to the root zone of the   the Institute for Drinking  Water. Given that till now  drip
        field, and other areas remain dry. The irrigation regime is   irrigation is only used with clean water, direct drip irrigation
        appropriate for the water demand of the plant and is not   with muddy water is practiced for the first time.
                                          Irrigation norms and yield of vineyards
            Years of     Experiment       Total water consumption,   Yield, ts /   Water consumption   Sugar
            research       options                m3 / ha                ha      per 1 ts of crop, m3   content,%
                       Furrow irrigation            2580               152,6            30,1            21,8
             3 Year
                         drip irrigation            1365               284,4            13,1            22,1
                       Furrow irrigation            4150               198,1            24,4            20,7
             5 Year
                         drip irrigation            2850               421,2            18,2            21,9
        During the experiments, water savings were up to 40%, while in conventional irrigation water consumption was 4200 m3 / ha,
        and for drip irrigation the water consumption was 2500 m3 / ha (Figure 1). Fertilizers saved 52% compared to usual. At the
        beginning of the vegetation season, the average ground water level was 194-198 cm, and in the middle of the growing season,
        between July and August, groundwater levels were about 175-181 cm. The soil weight was 1.31 g / cm3 in 0-30 cm of plowed
        soil, 1.39 g / cm3 in subsoil (30-50 cm) and 1.40 g / cm  in 0-100 cm layer.

                                         Figure 1 Watered condition of the vineyard

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