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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
                             Special Issue on Innovative Development of Modern Research
                                    Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

                           Water-Saving Irrigation Technology Uses

                                    I. J. Xudayev , J. Sh. Fazliev , A. U. Madirimov
                          1 Candidate of Technical Science, Dot of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and
                        Agricultural Mechanization Engineers of Bukhara Branch, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
                                 2 Engineers Doctorate of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and
                        Agricultural Mechanization Engineers of Bukhara Branch, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
                                 3 Student of Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural
                             Mechanization Engineers of Bukhara Branch, Bukhara, Uzbekistan

        ABSTRACT                                               The purpose of the study
        This article presents the results of field experiments of the   Alluvial, mechanically heavy sandy loam soils of Bukhara
        authors  in  theoretical  and  natural  conditions.  Field   region,  scientifically  based  on  irrigation  method  for  drip
        experiments  were  carried  out  on  the  territory  of  the   irrigation of gardens and vineyards with the level of ground
        Hodjayakshaba MFY of Kagan district, Bukhara region. The   water  1.5-2.0  m,  mineralization  1.0-3.0  g  /  l  and  their
        technology of muddy water irrigation for drip irrigation of   growth.  The  development  of  scientific  and  practical
        gardens has been developed. The implementation of drip   recommendations  for  the  study  of  the  impact  on
        irrigation technology in intensive gardens has resulted in a   development, productivity and productivity.
        20-60% reduction in water consumption on arable land, up   Research objectives:
        to 50% on mineral fertilizers and up to 30% on fuel and
                                                                 Determination  of  soil  conditions  (type,  mechanical
        lubricants. Also, the level of ground water does not rise due
                                                                  composition, water-physical properties and productivity
        to  the  irrigation  water  requirements  of  the  plant  and
        excessive water supply, low water evaporation from the    of experimental fields);
        soil, as well as uniform moisture throughout the field.     Determination  of  hydro  geological  and  ameliorative

                                                                  conditions of experimental fields;
        KEYWORDS: irrigation, drip irrigation, irrigation methods,
        sludge  water,  ground  water,  water  resources,  salinization,     Determination of scientifically based irrigation methods
        root, evaporation, agrotechnics, water shortages, water saving   of drip irrigation of gardens and vineyards in the grassy
        technologies,   pre-irrigation   moisture,   mineralization,   alluvial soils of Bukhara region with mineralization of 1–
        irrigation techniques, growing season                     2.0 m / l of ground water level 1–3 g/l;

                                                                 Determining  the  impact  of  scientifically  based  on
        INTRODUCTION                                              irrigation  regime  on  drip  irrigation  of  gardens  and
        Strategy of actions on five priority directions of development   vineyards  on  water-physical  properties  of  soil,  salt
        of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2017-2021 in the section
                                                                  regime, changes in soil surface water and mineralization,
        "Modernization and accelerated development of agriculture"   their growth, development and productivity.
        will further improve the reclamation of irrigated lands, the
        development  of  melioration  and  irrigation  facilities,   Methods  of  fieldwork:  Field,  laboratory  researches  and
        intensive  methods  of  agricultural  production,  modern   phenological observations were conducted on the basis of
        agricultural technologies. Introduction of high-performance   "Field experiments" (Research Institute of Agro technologies
        agricultural machinery these are the main tasks. Decree by   of Crop Breeding and Seed Production) (PITI 2007).
        the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated November   Scientific novelty: Drip irrigation of gardens and vineyards
        27, 2017 No PP-3405[2]
                                                               in  muddy  water  with  alluvial,  mechanically  heavy  sandy
        The decision was mainly aimed at improving the efficiency of   soils, ground water level 1.5-2.0 m, mineralization 1.0–3.0 g /
        irrigated land, the use of low irrigation water, and higher   l in Kagan district of Bukhara region. a scientifically justified
        crop  yields.  The  population  of  Uzbekistan  will  reach  39   irrigation method has been developed and their efficiency in
        million by 2030 Due to climate change, Uzbekistan's water   reducing the negative effects of river water shortages and
        resources  are  estimated  at  more  than  $  7  billion.  m3  is   water shortages has been established;
        expected  to  decrease.  At  the  same  time  annual  water   It is important to conserve water resources in conditions of
        resources amount to 44 bln. cubic meters of water per capita
                                                               water scarcity, apply drip irrigation technology to increase
        and 1130 m3 per capita. The Decree of the President of the   the efficiency of 1 m3 of river water, to study their impact on
        Republic  of  Uzbekistan  dated  October  25,  2019  "On   the growth, development and productivity of gardens and
        Measures  for  Expanding  Mechanisms  to  Promote  the   vineyards.
        Implementation   of   Water-saving   Technologies   in
        Agriculture" provides for the procedure of state support for   The main part: More than 90% of water resources are used
        introduction of water-saving irrigation technologies  from   in agriculture, primarily in agricultural production, with the
        January  1,  2020.  The  introduction  of  drip  irrigation   aim  of  ensuring  food  security  of  the  population  [3].
        technology equals to $ 8 million per hectare. Sums will be    In recent years, the welfare of the population of the country
        provided.                                              has been improving dramatically, and its number has been
                                                               increasing year by year. However, water resources per capita

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