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I International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456nternational Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        composition  of  the  entire  process.  You  have  the composition  of  the  entire  process.  You  have  the
        information required to do the respective ainformation required to do the respective analysis of
        the  manufacturing  process  as  resources,  elements, the  manufacturing  process  as  resources,  elements,
        manufacturing times and the various activities.manufacturing times and the various activities.

        Method Description

        The study was carried out in 7 stages as shown in figure 1.The study was carried out in 7 stages as shown in figure 1.

                                             1. Conceptualization of the theme1. Conceptualization of the theme

                                               2. Construction of the model

                                                     3. Model timing

                                              4. Validation of model timings4. Validation of model timings

                                                5. Simulation of the process

                                                   6. Analysis of results

                                                      7. Conclusions

                                        Figure 1. Example of methodological steps.Figure 1. Example of methodological steps.

          Conceptualization of the theme. At this stage a bibliographic search of the subject was made, in order to At this stage a bibliographic search of the subject was made, in order to At this stage a bibliographic search of the subject was made, in order to
            better understand the theme.
          Construction  of  the  model.  In  this  phase  the  process  to  be  analyzed  was  observed.  In  order  to  better In  this  phase  the  process  to  be  analyzed  was  observed.  In  order  to  better In  this  phase  the  process  to  be  analyzed  was  observed.  In  order  to  better
            understand how the production process is formed, random visits were made in order to better understand the roduction process is formed, random visits were made in order to better understand the roduction process is formed, random visits were made in order to better understand the

                                                Example of the production process

        @ IJTSRD  |  Available Online @ IJTSRD  |  Available Online @ |  Special Issue Publication  |  NovemberNovember 2017             P - 13
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