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I International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456nternational Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
          Model timing. Once the production process was Once the production process was
            studied, samples of each activity were made. We studied, samples of each activity were made. We
                                                                The formula developed is as follows:he formula developed is as follows:
            used  the  formula  of  Dr.  Bolaños  (2012),  who used  the  formula  of  Dr.  Bolaños  (2012),  who   T
            proposes  the  following  formula  for  an  infinite proposes  the  following  formula  for  an  infinite
            sample:                                               n    . 1 (  645 ) 2  *  5 . 0  *  5 . 0    67 65.7    67 . 65   68
                                                                              . 0 (  10 ) 2       . 0  01
                                   Z  2 * p *q
                                n                             The  study  indicated  that  for  the  investigation  of  the he  study  indicated  that  for  the  investigation  of  the
                                       i 2                      production process, using 90% of reliability and 10% oduction process, using 90% of reliability and 10%
        Where:                                                  of
                                                                of allowed error, 68 observatio allowed error, 68 observations or time takings will
                                                                be needed for the investigation. needed for the investigation.
        n: sample size.
        z:  value  corresponding  to  gauss  distribution,  90% z:  value  corresponding  to  gauss  distribution,  90%   Also, once it is known how many time takers should lso, once it is known how many time takers should
        (1,645) was used for the study.                         be
                                                                be  made  for  the  investigation,  it  was  carried  out.   made  for  the  investigation,  it  was  carried  out.
        p:  expected  prevalence  of  the  parameter  to  be p:  expected  prevalence  of  the  parameter  to  be   F
                                                                Figure 3 represents an example of the timing of each igure 3 represents an example of the timing of each
        evaluated, if not known (p = 0.5), which increases the evaluated, if not known (p = 0.5), which increases the   activity.
        sample size
        q: 1 - p (if p = 70%, q = 30%)
          i: error expected to be committed if it is 10%, i = 0.: error expected to be committed if it is 10%, i = 0.

                                            Figure 3. Example of model timingsFigure 3. Example of model timings

       Validation  of  model  timings.  At  this  stage  it  was At  this  stage  it  was    : standard deviation of the preliminary sample.: standard deviation of the preliminary sample.
        validated  whether  sixty-eight  preliminary  samples eight  preliminary  samples   i:  error  expected  to  be  committed  in  the  study.  The :  error  expected  to  be  committed  in  the  study.  The
        were more than sufficient for the study. All samples were more than sufficient for the study. All samples   error is set to integer.
        of  each  activity  of  the  production  process  were n  process  were
        validated, the formula used was as follows:validated, the formula used was as follows:   It is worth mentioning that, if the result of the formula t is worth mentioning that, if the result of the formula
                                                                is smaller than the size of the preliminary sample,s smaller than the size of the preliminary sample, the
                                                                study  is  considered  good  or sufficient.  Otherwise,  if tudy  is  considered  good  or sufficient.  Otherwise,  if
                                 Z  *  2                     s
                            n                                the number of the formula is greater than the size of he number of the formula is greater than the size of
                                  e  2                        the  preliminary  sample,  the  study  is  not  suffering, he  preliminary  sample,  the  study  is  not  suffering,
                                                                which means that samples are missing to perform for hich means that samples are missing to perform for
        Where:                                                  the study to be complete.

        n: number of samples needed for the study.n: number of samples needed for the study.   The  development  of  the  formula  for  the  warehouse ent  of  the  formula  for  the  warehouse
        Z: value  corresponding  to  the gauss distribution,  for Z: value corresponding  to  the gauss  distribution, for   activity is as follows:
        the investigation Z = 95%, which is equal to 1.96.the investigation Z = 95%, which is equal to 1.96.

        @ IJTSRD  |  Available Online @ IJTSRD  |  Available Online @ |  Special Issue Publication  |  NovemberNovember 2017             P - 14
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