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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        Within  companies,  they  seek  to  have  their  all  their  It was he who first used the term correlation in a study
        processes  under  control,  the  essential  characteristics  presented  in  1846  at  the  Academy  of  Sciences  in
        of  a  process  are:  variability:  never  two  results  are  France.  However,  Pearson  (1965)  will  indicate  that
        exactly  the  same  and  repeatability:  the  more  Bravais,  when  studying  the theory  of  errors,  did  not
        repetitions the more experience (García, 2016). In the  consider correlated random variables, but considered
        modern  business  world  Pelayo  (S  /  A)  says  that  the  errors  independent  of  each  other;  therefore,  did  not
        concept  of management  has  been  installed,  although  arrive at a true idea of the correlation, as we know it
        this  term  may  be  broad  or  unclear  we  will  refer  to  today. Devore, (2005) notes that the term regression
        management  as  defined  by  ISO  9000-2000  in  point  was first used as a statistical concept in 1877 by Sir
        3.2 .6 where management is defined as "Coordinated  Francis  Galton,  who  conducted  a  study  that  showed
        Activities to direct and control an organization". This  that the height of children born to high parents tended
        concept of management is also the one that uses the  to regress or "regress "Towards the average height of
        National Quality Award (1999) in its bases.             the population. He designated the word regression as
                                                                the  name  of  the  general  process  of  predicting  a
        Companies  today  use  regression  analysis  to  forecast   variable (the height of the children) from another (the
        future data, but many of them are SMEs unaware that     stature of the father or the mother). Later, statisticians
        there  are  mathematical  models  that  help  predict  this   coined  the  term  multiple  regression  to  describe  the
        data.  Varela  and  Reyes  (2009)  point  out  that  the   process by which several variables are used to predict
        purpose  of  forecasts  is  to  predict  the  future    another.
        development of different projects, to assist in decision
        making  on  projection  measures  such  as  the  level  of  Morales  and  Parra  (2016)  point  out  that,  in  an
        investment,  production,  and  other  measures  that  environment of uncertainty, where decision making is
        influence, lesser degree, on the tendency of the object  increasingly complex, the preparation of forecasts is a
        raised, in our case the measures and actions that could  very  useful  tool  for  managers,  since  they  are
        be  taken  is  in  the  level  of  preferences  of  the  necessary  to  establish  the  general  course  of  the
        population with respect to the sector of white line.    organization  both  over  a  long  period  through  long-
                                                                term  forecasts  and  in  a  short  period  designing
        Quality  today  is  fundamental  for  the  assurance  of   immediate  strategies  to  meet  future  needs  through
        conforming  products,  with  statistical  control  of   short-term forecasts.
        quality being fundamental (Díaz, Bautista  and Ortiz,
        2013).  For  this  reason,  it  is  established  the  need  to  Reyes  (2009)  mentions  that  prior  to  the  1950s  the
        engage  simple  linear  regression  analysis  in  the  efforts developed at the time were limited to analysts,
        forecast of a production process, in order to know if  despite  handling  some  theories  of  linear  regression
        the company knows well the subject of forecast and,  and decomposition of time series, lack of appropriate
        in turn, to know if it uses well the techniques of linear  data  and  tedious  calculations  required  to  obtain  a
        regression. It has been detected that the employees of  forecast.
        the  company  under  study  make their forecasts  in  an
        archaic  way  and  are  unaware  of  the  aforementioned   A  forecast  is  information  with  a  certain  degree  of
        issues.                                                 probability of what might happen. The probability of
                                                                success is a direct function of the preparation of the
        REGRESSION ANALYSIS                                     forecasts.  In  other  words,  the  result  of  the  planning
                                                                and operation of the company is directly linked to the
        The  oldest  discipline  seems  to  have  made  a  special   certainty of the forecasts (Grijalva, 2009). Everett and
        pact, to contribute (almost all), each from its point of   Ronald (1991) mention that a forecast is a process of
        view, to the "gestation, birth and upbringing" of units,   estimating  a  future  event,  projecting  data  from  the
        which  later  would  be  associated  to  constitute  that   past  into  the  future.  Past  data  is  systematically
        conceptual body called Statistics and Soto, 1988).      combined  by  default  to  estimate  the  future.  Zurita

                                                                (2010) argues that forecasts support decision-making
        Seal  (1967)  points  out  that  Augusto  Bravais
        contributed  to  the  development  of  this  theory  from   in  different  areas  of  business  management:  sales
        another field: astronomy, when studying the errors in   forecasting  will  help  design  the  production  plan,
        the measurements of the coordinates of space bodies.    forecast commodity price developments, supplies, etc.
                                                                Zeissig (2010) argues that forecasts can be estimated

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