Page 43 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
P. 43

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        METHODOLOGY                                             3.  Validation of preliminary samples. At this stage
                                                                   it  was  validated  if  six  preliminary  samples  were
        The study had seven stages, Figure 1 shows an              more  than  sufficient  for  the  study.  Both  the
        example of the phases.                                     conductivity  and density samples were validated,
                                                                   the formula used was as follows:
                                                                                                2
                        1. Conceptualización del tema                                 n     Z  * 
                                                                                            e 2   
                        2. Toma de muestras preliminares
                                                                   n: number of samples needed for the study.
                     3. Válidación de las muestras preliminares.
                                                                   Z:  value  corresponding  to  the gauss  distribution,
                                                                   for the investigation Z = 95%, which is equal to
                        4. Cálculo del análisis de regresión.      1.96.
                                                                    : standard deviation of the preliminary sample.
                             5. Análisis de resultados.            i: error expected to be committed in the study. The
                                                                   error is set to integer.
                                6. Conclusiones.
                                                                   Very  important,  if  the  result  of  the  formula  is

                            7. Recomendaciones.                    smaller  than  the  size  of  the  preliminary  sample,
                                                                   the  study  is  considered  good  or  sufficient.
                                                                   Otherwise, if the number of the formula is greater
               Figure 1. Example of methodological steps           than the size of the preliminary sample, the study

                                                                   is  not  suffering,  which  means  that  samples  are
        1.  Conceptualization  of  the  theme.  At  this  stage  a   missing to perform for the study to be complete.
            bibliographic review of the topic was carried out.

        2.  Preliminary  sampling.  In  this  phase  the  problem   The development of the formula for conductivity
            proposed  by  Dr.  Grunenfelder  (2017)  was  taken    is as follows:
            into  account,  where  6  important  samples  of  the
            process  were  taken  in  the  identification  of  a                    2          2
            suitable  substitute  for  biodegradable  materials  in   n      . 1   96 *  . 0  0043       . 0   0084     . 0 (  0016 )   . 0  000002   1
            the fast  food  packaging  industry.  Six  samples  of          5          5   
            the conductivity and 6 samples of the density were
                                                                   The  study  noted  that  using  95%  reliability,  a

                                                                   permissible  error  5  and  a  standard  deviation  of
           Table 1. Example of the samples taken for the           0.0043,  will  require  0.000002  samples,  if  this
                         preliminary study.                        number is rounded to the largest integer, it would
                                                                   be a sample. Which means that with a preliminary
               Conductivity                Density                 sample is more than enough, the preliminary study
                                                                   was  performed  six  samples,  which  means  that
                   0.048                     0.175                 these  six  preliminary  samples  are  sufficient.  For

                  0.0525                     0.22                  the case of density, the result of the formula was
                                                                   0.00017.  In  the  same  way,  it  is  rounded  to  the
                   0.054                     0.225                 largest  integer,  giving  a  result  of  1  sample.
                                                                   Preliminary  study  was  performed  six  samples,
                  0.0535                     0.226
                                                                   which  means  that  those  with  the  six  samples  is
                   0.057                     0.25                  sufficient for the study.

                   0.061                    0.2765

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