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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
            For this, the analysis of variance was used. In the    used in its test version, Table 3 shows an example
            same way, the specialized software Minitab® was        of the obtained results.

                                       Table 3. Example of variance analysis result.

                            Análisis de Varianza       GL       SC          MC         F        P
                         Fuente                        1    0.0056371  0.0056371  275.84  0.000
                         Regresión                     4    0.0000817  0.0000817
                         Error residual                5    0.0057189

        The  above  table  shows  the  results  obtained  in  the  Continuing with the analysis to be performed within
        analysis  of  variance  using  Minitab®  software.  The  the  regression,  the  significance  test  for  the  model
        important thing and following the ideas of Escalante  parameters  was  applied.  For the parameter Y  and  x,
        (2013), is to put much emphasis in the column of F. If  the following hypothesis was used:
        the F calculated in table 3 is greater to the F obtained
        from the book, it is said that Ho is rejected. According                Ho: B1 = 0
        to  Escalante's  book  (2013)  and  using  a  F0.05,1,4  =              Ha: B1 ≠ 0
        7.71, comparing this result with that of the F of Table
        3  that  was  275.84,  we  conclude  that  Ho  is  rejected,  For this, the analysis of variance was used using the
        which means that regression makes sense.                specialized software Minitab® in its test version,
                                                                Table 4 shows an example of the obtained results.

                            Table 4. Example of result of analysis of variance for model parameters.

                              Análisis de
                              Predictor          Coef.      Coef. De          T             P
                              Constante        -0.18796     0.02516         -7.47         0.002
                                   x            7.6696       0.4618         16.61         0.000

        The  above  table  shows  the  results  obtained  in  the  7. Design of proposals for action. From the analysis
        analysis  of  variance  for  the  model  parameters  using  of the results and conclusions obtained, lines of action
        Minitab®  software.  The  important  thing  and  are proposed to improve the quality of the process.
        following  the  ideas  of  Escalante  (2013),  is  to  put
        much  emphasis  in  the  column  of  the  P,  that  is  CONCLUSIONS
        equivalent to the P value. If the value p <α, Ho will be
        rejected. The P value of the parameters Y and x are as  The  simple  linear  regression  forecast  is  an  optimal
        follows: Y is 0.002 and x is 0.000. Comparing the two  model  for  trend  patterns  (increasing  or  decreasing),
        results of the P values it is observed that the two are  that is, patterns that have a linear relationship between
        less  than  the  value  of  α  which  is  0.05,  therefore,  in  demand and time. (Salazar, 2016).
        both parameters Ho is rejected, which means that the
        regression model is significant.                        The present research reached the general objective set.
                                                                It was possible to evaluate the quality of the process
        6.  Conclusions  After  analyzing  the  data  obtained  of an industrial product using the regression analysis.
        from  the  partial  samples,  both  general  and  specific  It is inferred using 95% reliability and 5 errors in the
        conclusions were taken, in the conclusions section the  research, that the regression model and its parameters
        above mentioned is explained.                           make sense, in other words, they are reliable.

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