Page 49 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Special Issue of 2 International Congress of Engineering
analyzing the factors that join in it and determine that With the beginning of this millennium, attention is
these can be internal, previous experiences and directed toward the role played by ICT in society.
environmental; the school conceives it as a space There is no clear and precise definition of the concept
where there is equality and everyone can achieve of ... ICT, so it is often referred to in order to explain
success, the student is the one who builds the how technologies are linked to communications and
knowledge information through computer media. That is, the ICT
label has been used as a tailor's box referred to any
Based on the above, the classroom has to be a space device or application that serves to transmit
where the student understands reality and learns to information or establish communication, either line -
live in it, the teacher not only guides him to assimilate such as a CD-ROM - or on-line, through of the
knowledge, but also learns, both are an active part, the internet (Cataldi y Cabero, 2007).
teacher creates meaningful contents for the student to
assimilate easily. Hawkridge (1985) defines ICT as the technologies
applied to the creation, storage, selection,
To understand what we are saying is necessary that transformation and distribution of information.
the actual society retakes the use of ICT, because they FUNDESCO (1986) defines them as the set of
represent a fundamental tool in the academic technologies that allow the acquisition, production,
environment , not wanting to see it this way would be storage, processing, communication, recording and
deceiving, since they have now become part of the presentation of information in the form of voice,
culture for the youth. Then his foray into school has images and data contained in acoustic, optical or
been inevitable; therefore, they are present in a electromagnetic signals. Adell (1997) defines them as
significant way in the teaching-learning process. the set of processes and products derived from new
tools (hardware and software), information carriers
Garcia (2007) argues that from the beginning of the and communication channels related to the storage,
nineties until the current (2015) the web has been processing and digital transmission of information.
developing in such a way that today is spoken of new UNESCO (2002) defines them as the set of scientific
generations, known as web 1.0, web 2.0 and web 3.0, disciplines, engineering and management techniques
the latter allows end users (we teachers and students) used in the handling and processing of information:
to experience greater interactivity, not only between their applications; computers and their interaction
users, but also with the educational content, which with men and machines; and associated content of a
some call the semantic web, allowing the paradigm of social, economic and cultural nature. The OECD
the teaching-learning process to change vertiginously, (2002) defines them as the devices that capture,
allowing the collaborative work in network. For its transmit and deploy electronic data and information
part, the Editorial Board of the Interuniversity Journal and that support the growth and economic
of Teacher Training (2007) mentions that ICT is a development of the industry manufacturing and
powerful instrument at the service of teaching, whose services sectors. Roblizo and Cozar (2015) define
presence can be seen in numerous formulas and them as the revolutionary, shocking and changing
pedagogical tools, both with regard to equipment and phenomenon, which encompasses both the technical
media. Cano (2012) points out in his research that the and the social, and which permeates all human, labor,
use of Information and Communication Technologies training, academic, leisure and consumption activities.
(ICT) has a significant impact on the modernization of
the education system and shortens the learning gap in The information and communication technology
the knowledge society. Its evolution is fast and this is and knowledge
perceived throughout Latin America, the Caribbean,
North America and Europe. Cabero (2006) points out The attractiveness and pedagogical possibilities
that information and communication technologies attributed to ICT have been enough arguments to open
have become a fundamental part of our daily life and the doors of schools to supports and devices that used
more in the educational context where everything to belong exclusively to the business world. Thus,
revolves around new advances, new policies and more and more common international organizations
educational reforms. that endorse the introduction of ICT in the teaching
process (Braña, 2008).
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