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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        3.  Communication  skills:  Communication  from  ICT  2016.  Innovating  in  a  digital  economy,  which
        can  be  given  in  different  ways,  since  the  codes  and  responds  to  the  need  to  assess  the  technological
        channels  to be used  can  be audiovisual,  multimedia,  competitiveness  of  countries,  Mexico  was  ranked  at
        etc.  will  depend  on  the  ingenuity  and  creativity  of  position 76 and the assigned assessment it was 4.0.
        each teacher.
                                                                Villasana (2014) points out that in Mexico the reform
        The above presents a challenge for teachers who have  promoted by former President Ernesto Zedillo (1994-
        to  integrate  into  the  world  of  ICT,  but  it  is  not  2000) was more prominent for the decentralization of
        impossible to achieve, if you start by being an active  education  than  for  its  achievements  in  having
        participant in which gradually have access to ICT and  expanded  educational  coverage.  Technology  in
        pose  practices that  contribute  to  the  knowledge they  Mexican education was practically non-existent. The
        have but now implementing novel scenarios.              world  was  just  beginning  to  discover  its  benefits,
                                                                power  and  scope  in  the  field.  In  the  same  way,  and
        In its action plan, UNESCO (1998) points out that in  following the ideas of the same author, Vicente Fox's
        order to modernize higher education in all its aspects:  2000-2006 term was characterized only in the attempt
        content,     methodology,       management       and  of  his  program  "educational  revolution",  although  it
        administration, the rational use of ICT as an object of  must be recognized at least he sought to incorporate
        study,  research  and  development  is  required.  technology  as  a  tool  to  enrich  the  teaching  process.
        According  to  the  OECD's  first  PISA  assessment  of  This was called the Enciclomedia program. And with
        digital skills, schools have not yet tapped the potential  the  term  of  Felipe  Calderón  (2006-2012)  his  legacy
        of technology in the classroom to address the digital  focuses  on  the  pact  he  made  with  the  former
        divide,  and  prepare  all  students  with  the  skills  they  magisterial  leader  Elba  Esther  Gordillo  to  win  the
        need in the connected world of today (OECD, 2015).  presidency. The technology, whether it was teaching
        Santiago,  Caballero,  Gomez  and  Dominguez  (2013)  in  basic  education  or  its  application,  practically
        argue    that   information    and    communication  happened at night and put the last nail to the coffin of
        technologies  (ICTs)  have  a  growing  role  in  Mexico  Enciclomedia.
        and  in  the  rest  of  the  world,  in  order  to  orient
        education in any of its levels. The ICT Development  Conclusion
        Index (IDI) measures the performance of countries in
        ICT  infrastructure,  use  and  skills.  The  measurement  People born around the new millennium have access
        scale has a theoretical range of zero to ten. The IDI of  to information in a disproportionate way and with this
        the  LA  countries  is  2.77  to  6.95,  reflecting  the  they  have  handled  the  technology  from  a  very  early
        different conditions in which technology lies in these  stage of their life, reason why they are immersed in a
        nations,  even  with  similar  income  levels.  Internet  dynamic in which their world is based on the ICT.
        access  in  schools  in  the  Dominican  Republic,  for
        example, was only 5% in 2012, in contrast to 100% of  The  information  they  have  access  influences  in  a
        several Caribbean islands. In Argentina, Brazil, Costa  transcendental  way  in  the  life  of  the  young  people,
        Rica  and  Mexico  less  than  50%  of  schools  are  reason why the educational institutions must be in the
        connected  to  the  Internet,  while  Chile  has  78%  and  vanguard  and  for  that  reason  the  academic  practices
        Uruguay  96%  (International  Telecommunication  have to be based in the current lifestyle, economic and
        Union, 2014).                                           technological context from of expanding the teaching
                                                                role  in  the  transformation  of  the  teaching-learning
        Based on the National Survey on the Availability and  processes.
        Use  of  Information  Technologies  in  Households
        (ENDUTIH),  which  was  first  raised  in  2015  to  give  It is time to be an active part to achieve a more open
        continuity  to  the  previous  module,  62.4  million  and  flexible  learning  centered  on  technological
        people, six years of age or more in the country, users  innovation, academic training is without  a doubt the
        of  the  services  offered  by  the  Internet,  which  way forward.
        represents  57.4  percent  of  this  population  (INEGI,
        2016). Islas (2016) argues that in the recent edition of
        the report The Global Information Technology Report

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