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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        For all of the above, Orgambídez and Almeida (2015)  to  achieve  without  assuming  specific  costs  or  risks.
        point  out  that  the  study  of  the  factors  related  to  the  Kotler (1997) points out that a service is any activity
        quality of service has acquired special importance as a  or  benefit  that  one  party  offers  to  another;  are
        key  competitiveness  element,  especially  the  role  essentially  intangible  and  do  not  give  rise  to
        played by the  contact  employee. Gadotti and  Franca  ownership of anything. Its production may or may not
        (2008) argue that quality assessment has always been  be  linked  to  a  physical  product.  Lehtinen  and
        more complex for services than for products because  Lehtinen  (1982)  argue  that  service  quality  occurs  in
        they  are  inherently  heterogeneous,  inseparable  the interaction between a customer and the elements
        between  production  and  consumption,  intangibility  of the organization providing the service.
        and perishability.
                                                                Müller (2001) mentions that a company is in balance
        Gabriel  (2003)  points  out  that  one  of  the  most  and is of high quality when it exceeds expectations of
        important  works  about  the  quality  of  services  is  the  customers,  staff  and  shareholders.  Requena  and
        "Service  Profit  Chain"  (SPC)  model,  made  by  the  Serrano (2007) point out that a high or low definition
        authors Heskett, Sasser and Schlesinger based on the  of  quality  of  service  depends  on  how  consumers
        analysis of successful service companies. This model  perceive  the  total  service,  in  the  context  of  their
        combines  strategies  for  the  creation  of  value  of  the  expectations. Pizzo (2013) mentions that it is the habit
        service  through  the  satisfaction  and  loyalty  of  the  developed  and  practiced  by  an  organization  to
        clients  and  the  satisfaction  and  productivity  of  the  interpret the needs and expectations of its clients and
        employees.                                              consequently  offer  them  an  accessible,  adequate,
                                                                agile,  flexible,  appreciable,  useful,  timely,  safe  and
        Another model that has taken a lot of importance in  reliable  service,  even  under  unforeseen  situations  or
        measuring the quality of services is the SERVQUAL  errors, in such a way that the client feels understood,
        model, which is an instrument widely accepted by the  attended  and  served  personally,  with  dedication  and
        international  scientific  community  that  measures  the  efficiency,  and  surprised  with  greater  value  than
        quality  of  service  and  summarizes  the  models  expected,  thus  providing  higher  income  and  lower
        mentioned  above.  This  scale  was  designed  by  costs  for  the  organization.  The  fundamental
        researchers Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry in 1985  characteristics  of  services  are:  intangibility,  non-
        (Moreno  and  Coromoto,  2006),  and  has  undergone  differentiation  between  production  and  delivery,  and
        some  changes  and  improvements,  as  well  as  been  inseparability  of  production  and  consumption
        revised and validated in Latin America by Michelsen  (Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry, 1985). Cronin and
        Consoulting,  supported  by  the  Latin  American  Taylor (1994) mention that the ServQual and Servperf
        Institute  of  Quality  in  Services  in  1992  (Morales,  scales  are  tools  designed  to  measure  the  quality  of
        2005).                                                  service.

        Researchers have determined that when one compares  Customer  satisfaction  is  one  of  the  fundamental
        the general expectation of the user (also called client,  results  of  providing  a  proper  customer  service.  The
        patient,  beneficiary,  etc.)  with  the  perception  of  the  importance  of  measuring  the  quality  of  service  in  a
        service received from an organization, it is a measure  company is very important today because in this study
        of quality in the service, and The gap between the two  you  will  be  able  to  observe  the  perception  that  the
        indicates  the  areas  of  opportunity  for  improvement  customer  has  towards  the  products  and /  or  services
        (Morales, 2005).                                        that the organizations offer. Likewise, companies that
                                                                are  looking  for  ISO  9000  certification  should
        Importance of measuring the quality of services         emphasize  the  importance  of  measuring  their
                                                                customers, because the same standard marks that this
        A  service  is  defined  as  a  type  of  economic  good,  it  should  be  done.  Quality  and  Management  (2011)
        constitutes  what it  calls  the  tertiary  sector,  everyone  defines  customer  satisfaction  as  the  result  of  the
        who works and does not produce goods is supposed to  comparison  that  inevitably  takes  place  between  the
        produce  services  (Fisher  and  Navarro,  1994).  Bon  customer's  previous  expectations  placed  on  the
        (2008)  argues  that  it  is  a  means  to  deliver  value  to  products  and  /  or  services  and  on  the  processes  and
        customers, facilitating the results that customers want  image of the company, with respect to the perceived

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