Page 60 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering

                                           ANALYSIS OF THE  RESULTSANALYSIS OF THE  RESULTS

                              85.00      85.00

                                                     82.50                              82.50

                                                                 80.00       80.00

                            Fiabilidad  Capacidad de Capacidad de   Seguridad  Empatía  E. Tangibles  Promedioromedio

                                      Figure 2. Example of the analysis of the results.Figure 2. Example of the analysis of the results.

        For the dimension of tangible elements, which is one of the lowest, the questions that had the lowest score with of tangible elements, which is one of the lowest, the questions that had the lowest score with of tangible elements, which is one of the lowest, the questions that had the lowest score with
        t the representative sample of clients were question two and question four. Question two refers to whether the the representative sample of clients were question two and question four. Question two refers to whether the he representative sample of clients were question two and question four. Question two refers to whether the
        physical  facilities  of  the  company  look  visually  appphysical  facilities  of  the  company  look  visually  appealing.  While  Question  4  has  to  do  with  whether  the ealing.  While  Question  4  has  to  do  with  whether  the
        material elements of the business related to the service (brochures, statements, etc.) are visually appealingmaterial elements of the business related to the service (brochures, statements, etc.) are visually appealingaterial elements of the business related to the service (brochures, statements, etc.) are visually appealing.

                                               TANGIBLE ELEMENTS

                                        81.63                    81.63


                                      Pregunta 1  Pregunta 2   Pregunta 3  Pregunta 4

                     Figure 3. Example of the results obtained for the dimension of tangible elements.Figure 3. Example of the results obtained for the dimension of tangible elements.igure 3. Example of the results obtained for the dimension of tangible elements.
        For the dimension of empathy, which is the other dimension with the lowest score, the questions that had the dimension of empathy, which is the other dimension with the lowest score, the questions that had the dimension of empathy, which is the other dimension with the lowest score, the questions that had the
        lowest score with the representative sample of clients were question twenty and question twentylowest score with the representative sample of clients were question twenty and question twentyowest score with the representative sample of clients were question twenty and question twenty-two. Question
        twenty refers to whether the company has empltwenty refers to whether the company has employees who offer personalized attention to their customers. While oyees who offer personalized attention to their customers. While
        question twenty-two has to do with whether employees in the company understand the specific needs of their two has to do with whether employees in the company understand the specific needs of their two has to do with whether employees in the company understand the specific needs of their

        @ IJTSRD  |  Available Online @ IJTSRD  |  Available Online @ |  Special Issue Publication  |  November 2017            Publication  |  November 2017             P - 38
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