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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        it as something negative in the school setting instead  university teachers the causes of the apathy of young
        of a possibility to generate interest and challenges in  first-come.
        them  that  encourage  their  teaching-learning  process.
        Another factor  that  has  been  perceived  today  is  that  THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK
        students  who  enter  college,  many  of  them  do  not
        know  the  career  they  will  study,  are  influenced  by  One  of  the  main  factors  that  shows  the  society  and
        their peers to choose a career or their parents choose  that  is  the  cause  of  the  apathy  is  the  personal
        what  their  children  will  study  in  the  university.  demotivation which causes a disinterest to participate
        college. A predominant factor in Mexico City, is that  in the joint activities. Flores, González and Rodríguez
        many  students  fail  to  enter  the  university  that  they  (2013) point out that anxiety in classes and especially
        want.                                                   in mathematics is everywhere, taking into account all
                                                                the  countries  of  the  Organization  for  Economic
        GENERAL OBJECTIVE                                       Growth and Development (OECD), in half of children
                                                                age 15 and over 60% of girls are concerned that they
        Diagnose  the  factors  involved  in  the  apathy  of  will find their math classes very difficult and will get
        industrial engineering students.                        low grades.

        Specific objectives                                     Pérez  (S  /  A)  points  out  that  higher  education  in
                                                                Mexico  faces  very  important  challenges:  The
          Understand  the  contextualization  of  apathy  in  inequality  between  supply  and  demand,  lack  of
            school.                                             resources  in  a large  part  of the population  to  access
                                                                private education, low educational level in the upper
          Know  relevant  facts  about  the  causes  and       middle level, socioeconomic conditions, among many
            consequences of apathy in school.
                                                                others, have determined a difficult panorama for the
          Calculate  the  representative  sample  using  95%  young people of our country.
                                                                According  to  Cabrera,  Peral  and  Barajas  (2012)
          Adapt  the  questionnaire  proposed  by  Lopez  and
            Sánchez (2010) in the representative sample.        indicate that the concept of apathy was more accepted
                                                                in  popular  culture  after  the  First  World  War,  being
          Analyze     the   results   obtained   from    the  described  as  one  of  several  forms  of  war  neurosis
            questionnaires  applied  to  the  representative  characterized by a feeling of emotional numbness and
            sample.                                             indifference  to  normal  social  interaction.  Valentini
          Evaluate the results obtained from the analysis of   (2008) points out that apathy in school settings is not
            the questionnaires.                                 a static phenomenon to be studied in a laboratory; has
                                                                a  dynamic  destiny:  it  is  born,  develops,  leads  to
                                                                disinterest,  disinterest  engenders  boredom  and  it
        JUSTIFICATION                                           shows many faces: passivity, inertia, sadness and even
                                                                anger  and  from  there  begins  to  approach  the  other
        In the investigation, apathy was taken as the object of   pole  of  apathy:  rebel  aggression.  Panimboza  (2015)
        study in the young people who have just entered the     points out that school disinterest is a fact that comes
        industrial engineering career, due to the fact that they   50  years  ago.  In  spite  of  the  technological  advance,
        have noticed a great lack of interest in learning, it has   the  neglect  of  learning  is  a  social  factor  that  has
        also been possible to see desertion rates, which is seen   increased. Poor performance is one of the factors that
        reflected in low academic performance from the first    is  caused  by  the  poor  qualifications  that  adolescents
        semester of  admission  to  their  study.  The  student  is   have obtained.
        apathetic to any circumstance in the classroom, does
        not  make  the  least  effort  to  increase  his  grades,  to   The analysis of apathy by studies necessarily leads to
        study  subjects  assigned,  to  participate  in  activities.   absenteeism in general, absence may be due to factors
        This research aims to reach the causes that originate   due to socioeconomic problems (for example, lack of
        this  phenomenon,  and  with  this  to  make  known  to   money for transport, clothes, shoes, etc.), so that they

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