Page 66 - - Special Issue - 2nd International Congress of Engineering
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
Special Issue of 2 International Congress of Engineering
take care of their other little brothers and sisters to Cooperation and Development (OECD). The situation
help with household chores or illness (Heredia, 2000). is so serious that only 21% of Mexicans aged 25-34
have a university degree, a number that falls to 12%
According to data from INEGI (2015), school when it comes to the population between 55 and 64
attendance among young people aged 14 to 24 in years.
2000 was 33%, while for the year 2015 it was 44%.
The difference by sex is slightly more than one Miranda and Balcazar (2010) point out that the lack of
percentage point with 45% of men and 44% of illusions and ambitions affects the young person in all
women. Tinto (2001) reports that 50% of all dropouts spheres of life, including the work aspect, where he
occur before the second year, and that 40% of all considers that he has few opportunities for growth,
students fail to graduate. On the other hand, it has success and professional development. It lacks clarity
been detected that a student who arrives at the and recognition of its own worth. Universia Mexico
university with high expectations (2015) mentions that apathy, disinterest, conformity,
personal demonstrates a lack of motivation because it little solidarity and little commitment to society, that
was not what they expected. is the radiography of young university students and
this is a reality that institutions of higher education
The Economist (2014) indicated that the Ministry of have also paid for not counting with appropriate
Public Education (SEP) has the goal of reducing from instances to boost values among youth. De la Cruz,
15 to 9 percent the dropout rate in high school by Sánchez, y Urrutia (2008) mentions that an
2018. On the other hand, Anguiano (2015) points out engineering has the objective of developing a logical
that family violence, a personal or social decision, thinking in the students to solve problems with
but, above all, poverty, are the reasons, among others, ingenuity. They are said to be harsh engineering
that led to one million 470 thousand 718 children and because of high failure rates in mathematics-related
young people to abandon their studies; is a subjects.
phenomenon that goes up, which means a strong
economic impact that, according to figures from the METHODOLOGY
Secretary of Public Education, represented a cost of
34 billion pesos for the country. Negrete and Leyva Instrument
(2013) and Valdez and Aguilar (2014) suggest that
this social phenomenon may be due to several factors, The instrument of data collection that was used was
such as lack of job opportunities, limited educational the one proposed by Lopez and Sánchez (2010). Once
access, lack of economic resources, personal this instrument was analyzed, a new one was adapted,
dissatisfaction, insecurity and loss of the adolescents' which consisted of only 9 questions.
sense of life.
Population and sample
In the university environment, it is no exception.
According to Gracia (2015) studies conducted by the The research was carried out in a university located in
OECD, the countries that make up the Organization the Iztapalapa delegation. We studied 3 groups of the
for Cooperation and Development), our country along first semester of the Industrial Engineering career, the
with Turkey are the countries that have the most population was a total of 65 students. The sample of
university dropout. Montes de Oca (2015) points out the student population was determined. The formula
in its article, according to INEGI data in the same used was the one proposed by Dr. Bolaños (2012),
year, through the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), this formula is used for finite or known populations.
about 45 thousand students enter the university The formula is as follows:
annually; only 7 thousand 200 finish the race and 5
thousand 600 are titled. Z * N * p* q
n 2 2
Mendoza (S / A) points out that in Mexico only 16% i ( N )1 Z * p* q
of young people and adults have a bachelor's degree
or degree, the lowest percentage among the 34
countries that make up the Organization for Economic
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