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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
                Z * N *  p* q   
         n                    
              i ( N   )1   Z *  p* q 


        n: sample size
        N: population size
        Z: value corresponding to the gauss distribution, for the investigation Z = 95%, which is equal to 1.96.Z: value corresponding to the gauss distribution, for the investigation Z = 95%, which is equal to 1.96.: value corresponding to the gauss distribution, for the investigation Z = 95%, which is equal to 1.96.

        p: expected prevalence of the parameter to be evaluated, if not known (p = 0.5), which makes the sample size p: expected prevalence of the parameter to be evaluated, if not known (p = 0.5), which makes the sample size  expected prevalence of the parameter to be evaluated, if not known (p = 0.5), which makes the sample size
        q: 1 - p (if p = 70%, q = 30%)
        i: error expected to be committed if it is 5%, i =i: error expected to be committed if it is 5%, i = 0.05

        The development of the formula is as follows:The development of the formula is as follows:

                                   . 1 (  96 ) 2 * 30 * 0 *5.0  5 . 0    28 . 81  28 . 81
                       n                                                             2       28
                                                                                           27 89.7
                              . 0 (  05 ) 2 ( 30   ) 1   . 1 (  96 *)96  2  5 . 0  *  5 . 0     . 0  0725   . 0  9604  . 1  0329

        The study indicated that of a population of 30 clients The study indicated that of a population of 30 clients  Analysis of results
        with  which  the  organization  counts,  using  a  95% with  which  the  organization  counts,  using  a  95%
        reliability  and  a  5%  error  allowed,  will  require  28 reliability  and  a  5%  error  allowed,  will  require  28  The first analysis that was carried out was the general that was carried out was the general
        clients for the investigation.                          data of the organization's clients. Table 2 shows that ta of the organization's clients. Table 2 shows that
                                                                t the majority of clients are women between the ages of he majority of clients are women between the ages of
        4.   Management Management   of of   the the   questionnaire. questionnaire.   The The  30 and 40.
        questionnaire  was  applied  from  an  intentional  nonquestionnaire  was  applied  from  an  intentional  non-
        probabilistic  sampling  and  the  questionnaire  was probabilistic  sampling  and  the  questionnaire  was   Table 2. Example of general data analysisable 2. Example of general data analysis
        administered through Microsoft Excel®.el®.
                                                                      Age        Total     Genderender   Total
        5.  Analysis  of  results.  We  proceeded  to  perform  a .  Analysis  of  results.  We  proceeded  to  perform  a   20-30   7   Maleale   18
        database in Excel with the information obtained and database in Excel with the information obtained and
        plotted the results.                                          30-40      12        F          20
                                                                      >40        9
        6.  Conclusions.  After  analyzing  the  data  obtained .  Conclusions.  After  analyzing  the  data  obtained
        from  the  representative  sample,  both  general  and from  the  representative  sample,  both  general  and   R
                                                                Regarding  the  analysis  of  the  results  of  the egarding  the  analysis  of  the  results  of  the
        specific  conclusions  were  taken,  in  the  conclusions en,  in  the  conclusions   representative  sample  to  evaluate  service  quality,  a epresentative  sample  to  evaluate  service  quality,  a
        section the above is stated.                            g
                                                                general  customer  satisfaction  index  of  0.825  was eneral  customer  satisfaction  index  of  0.825  was
                                                                f found,  indicating  acceptable  satisfaction  with  areas ound,  indicating  acceptable  satisfaction  with  areas
        7. Design of proposals for action. From the analysis of . Design of proposals for action. From the analysis of   f for  improvement.  The  highest  dimensions  were: or  improvement.  The  highest  dimensions  were:
        the  results  and  conclusions  obtained,  lines  of  action the  results  and  conclusions  obtained,  lines  of  action   reliability  and  responsiveness  both  with  85%; y  and  responsiveness  both  with  85%;
        are proposed to improve the quality of the service.are proposed to improve the quality of the service.   ot
                                                                otherwise,  the  dimensions  with  lower  scores  were: herwise,  the  dimensions  with  lower  scores  were:
                                                                empathy and tangible elements both with 80%. Figure mpathy and tangible elements both with 80%. Figure
                                                                2 shows an example of the results obtained.hows an example of the results obtained.
                                                                2 s

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