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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        In order to provide quality services, it is necessary to  improvement and to be able to offer the users a truly
        develop the people (Human talent) who are providing  quality  service.  It  is  for  all  of  the  above,  that  it
        the service, however, it is extremely important to find  becomes necessary to have an analysis that allows us
        a  way  to  evaluate  the  perception  of  quality  in  the  to determine our areas of opportunity and to be able to
        service  that  users  of  the  same  have.  In  this  way  we  improve them to achieve an optimal development of
        can  train  and  develop  human  talent  to  provide  a  human  talent,  which  in  turn  will  derive  in  the
        quality  service  and  have  satisfied  customers,  which  economic  development  of  the  organization,  which
        will determine the increase of them.                    will impact on the development of the country.

        It is necessary then to know what the expectations of  Method Description
        our users are and compare them with their perceptions
        of  the  service  received  to  determine  the  level  of  The  study  was  carried  out  in  7  stages  as  shown  in
        quality  in  the  service  and  obtain  an  indicator  of  Figure 1.
        improvement,      i.e.,   determine   the    specific
        dissatisfaction   gaps   to   design   strategies   of

                                 1.Conceptualization     2. Design of the     3. Calculation of the
                                 of quality in service.   questionnaire.            sample

                                4. Management of the   5. Analysis of  results.   6. Conclusions.

                                                       7. Recommendations.

                                                  Graph 1. Methodological steps

        1.  Conceptualization  of  quality  in  the  service.  A  Table 1. Example of distribution of questions and
        bibliographic review of the topic was carried out.      their dimension

        2.  Design  of  the  questionnaire.  A  booklet  was             Dimension                Questions
        elaborated  in  which  general  data  of  the  respondents   Tangible elements      1 a la 4
        were  drawn  up  and  the  22  questions  that  form  the   Reliability             5 a la 9
        Servqual tool were integrated. Table 1 shows how the       Answer's capacity        10 a la 13
        dimensions  are  distributed  with  the  queries  of  the   Security                14 a la 17
        Servqual model.                                            Empathy                  18 a la 22

                                                                3. Calculation of the sample. The sample of the client
                                                                population  of  the  organization  was  determined.  The
                                                                formula  used  was  the  one  proposed  by  Dr.  Bolaños
                                                                (2012), which is used for finite or known populations.
                                                                The formula is as follows:

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