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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        value at the end of the business relationship. Aguilar  AITECO  consultants  (2016)  points  out  that  the
        and  Jáuregui  (2004)  argue  that  it  costs  four  or  five  dimensions of this model are as follows:
        times  more  to get  a new customer  than  to  keep  one
        that  already  has.  But  it  is  more  spent  on  attracting    Reliability:  Ability  to  perform  the  service
        more  customers  than  on  maintaining  what  they         carefully and reliably.
        already have. Satisfied customers are loyal customers.    Responsiveness:  Willingness  and  willingness  to
        A  customer's  loyalty  is  worth  at  least  10  times  the   help users and provide fast service.
        price of a purchase.                                      Safety:  Knowledge  and  attention  shown  by
                                                                   employees  and  their  ability  to  build  trust  and
        Servqual Model                                             confidence.
                                                                  Empathy:     Personalized   attention   that   the
        Morales  (2003)  argues  that  the  SERVQUAL  model        organization dispenses to its clients.
        has been applied to several areas since its inception.    Tangible  Elements:  Appearance  of  physical
        The SERVQUAL model uses a scale ranging from 1             facilities,    equipment,      personnel      and
        to  7  of  semantic  differential  (Osgood,  Suci  and     communication materials.
        Tannenbaum,  1957).  Pineda,  Estrada,  and  Parra
        (2011) point out that the expectations and perceptions  General objective
        were  assessed  by  the  level  of  importance  that  the
        respondents  give  each  of  the  22  items.  As  for  Evaluate  the  quality  of  customer  service  within  the
        perceptions, 1 indicates that one is totally dissatisfied  Industrial  Corporate  by  applying  the  SERVQUAL
        and 7 totally satisfied; and in expectations, 1 indicates  tool.
        totally insignificant and 7 totally important.
                                                                Specific objectives
        Universidad  TecVirtual  del  Sistema  Tecnológico  de
        Monterrey  (2012)  points  out  that  the  Servqual    Understand  the  contextualization  of  service
        instrument  serves  to  measure  customer  expectations    quality.
        of  a  service  organization,  the  perceptions  that  the     Know the existing models to evaluate the quality
        same customers have of that service organization and       of the service.
        the  hierarchy  that  customers  make  of  the  service
        dimensions  relevant  to  the  organization  (typically    Calculate  the  representative  sample  using  95%
        tangible  aspects  of  reliability,  assurance,  response   confidence.
        speed  and  empathy).  Among  the  applications  of  the     Apply  the  Servqual  questionnaire  in  the
        Servqual  model,  Dal  Corso,  Vianello,  De  Carlo  and   representative sample.
        Robusto  (2001)  evaluated  the  quality  of  school
        services with a sample  of 640 parents, teachers, and     Analyze    the   results   obtained   from    the
        auxiliary  staff  in  Padua.  In  addition,  Lowndes  and   questionnaire applied to the representative sample.
        Dawes  (2001)  examine  in  their  study  whether  the     Evaluate the results obtained from the analysis of
        dimensions  of  service  quality  that  emerge  from  the   the questionnaires
        factorial  analysis  in  a  company's  purchasing  data
        based on the SERVQUAL instrument are the same as
        those found in the literature.                          Justification

        Dimensions of SERVQUAL                                  Talking about quality in services is more complicated
                                                                than it seems, because it involves several aspects and
        This  instrument  has  been  applied  in  organizations,   dimensions such as culture and values that dominate
        both public and private and in several entities, which   the population and are attributed to these activities, in
        has  allowed  validating  and  revising  the  tool  as  an   addition, the provision of a service must be adequate
        instrument  for  measuring  quality  in  the  service   the context and preferences of the provider and focus
        (Morales, 2005).                                        on meeting the needs of those who use it, but in an
                                                                optimal way.

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