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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        techniques,  procedures,  skills  and  abilities,  attitudes  pose,  according  to  the  level  of  professionalism  and
        and  values.  Castañeda,  Acosta  and  Morea  (2013)  social  responsibility  characteristic  of  the  different
        argue that technological competences  are part of the  professional areas (UNESCO, 2004).
        set  of  personality  traits,  attitudes,  knowledge  and
        skills that make possible the professional performance  One  of  the  first  authors  to  approach  the  concept  of
        in  the  teaching  area;  they  are  a  conglomeration  of  digital  literacy  was  Gilster  (1997).  Bawden  (2008)
        associated  elements  such  as  knowledge  (KNOW),  presents a series of skills and attitudes that comprise
        attitudes (TO BE), and skills (DO).                     it.  Covello  (2010)  identifies  as  part  of  this  digital
                                                                literacy, from the definition and identification of the
        As a teacher you have to be aware that you work with  need  for  information,  to  the  management  and
        a  diversity  of  students,  you  cannot  treat  everyone  interpretation, evaluation, creation or communication
        equally,  which  makes  the  work  more  complex,  but  of  information  and  knowledge  through  ICT  tools  .
        also more enriching.                                    Hobbs (1996) defines it as the access process, critical
                                                                analysis and creation of messages through multimedia
        The teaching competences to be developed are:           tools,  and  whose  objective  is  to  promote  autonomy
                                                                through  the  development  of  analysis,  reasoning  and
        1.  "Plan the teaching-learning process                 communication. Lankshear and Knobel (2005) define
                                                                digital competence  as a set of specific competencies
        2.  Select and submit disciplinary content
                                                                or  skills  that  name  truthcentric.  Gutierrez  (2011)
        3.  Offering    understandable    information    and  points  out  that  digital  competences  are  the  set  of
            explanations                                        values,  beliefs,  knowledge,  abilities  and  attitudes  to

        4.  Didactically manage the NNTT                        use  properly  the  technologies,  including  the
                                                                computers  as  well  as  the  different  programs  and
        5.  Manage  methodologies  of  didactic  work  and      Internet,  that  allow  and  enable  the  search,  access,
            learning tasks                                      organization and use of information in order to build
        6.  Connect constructively with students                knowledge.  OECD  (2003)  argues  that  digital
                                                                competencies  are  understood  as  a  sophisticated
        7.  Advise    students   and,   where    appropriate,   repertoire  of  competencies  that  permeate  workplace,
            colleagues                                          community and social life, including skills needed to
        8.  Evaluate the learning (and the processes to acquire  manage  information  and  the  ability  to  assess
            them)                                               relevance and the reliability of what you are looking
                                                                for on the  Internet. The European Parliament (2006)
        9.  Reflect and investigate teaching
                                                                notes that in particular on digital competition it claims
        10. To contribute in institutional matters (Fernández,  that it refers to a safe and critical use of technologies
            2012)                                               and  the  mastery  of  information  and  communication

        However,  the  implementation  of  ICT  in  educational
        practices  facilitates the  dynamics in the processes to   It  is  from  the  above  that  then  they  would  have  to
        reach  the aforementioned  competences,  because  it  is   develop:
        possible  to  use  tools  such  as  online  learning
        communities,  which  are  a  space  where activities  are   1. Instrumental and technical competences: these are
        shared,  knowledge,  proposals  for  solving  problems,   the result of daily  practice in the use of  ICT, which
        etc., that is, represent a viable alternative of learning   allows familiarity with them and therefore do not have
        and collaborative work.                                 to represent any problem.

        It is also possible that it can be given, it may also be   2.   Didactic   competences:     Communication,
        the  case  that  for  some  teachers  to  face  continuous   participation  and  interaction  are  promoted  based  on
        changes as a result of interaction with ICT can affect   the  evaluation  of  teaching-learning  processes  with
        their  professional  competence,  understood  as:  the   ICT.
        comprehensive set of skills that people put into play
        in  real  work  situations  to  solve  the  problems  they

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