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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        The European Union from the year 2000 emphasizes  teachers  themselves.  This  new  scope  also  implies  a
        the need for ICT to adapt to the education and training  change in the roles of students and teachers ... the role
        systems  demanded  in  the  knowledge  economy,  in  of  the  teacher  will  stop  being  only  the  one  of
        order to achieve a decisive role and thus students not  transmitter of knowledge to become a facilitator and
        only  develop  knowledge  if  not  also  indispensable  guiding of the knowledge and in a participant of the
        personal and professional skills.                       process of learning along with the student. This new
                                                                role does not diminish the importance of the teacher,
        The use of ICT in academically is a current need, are  but requires new knowledge and skills. Students will
        a tool that helps to improve the contents of a subject,  be  more  responsible  for  their  own  learning  as  they
        help  the  teacher  to  be  a  guide  in  the  acquisition  of  seek, find, synthesize, and share their knowledge with
        knowledge,  which  is  given  in  an  interactive,  other peers.  ICTs are a powerful tool to support this
        Intelligent  classrooms  mark  a  transcendental  change  change  and  to  facilitate  the  emergence  of  new  roles
        in interpersonal relationships, because it gives a more  for teachers and students (Braña, Real y Rial, 2008).
        collaborative  environment  where  academic  contents
        allow a communication based on novel and dynamic  However, the conception of the learning process has
        aspects.  In  them  is  formed  a  whole  set  of  ICT  been transformed, it is now known that not all people
        (computer, video-projector, smart board and camera).    assimilate  knowledge  in  the  same  way  because  they
                                                                have different learning styles, and is in this situation
        The  information  and  communication  technology,  is  where  the  teacher  faces  a  great  challenge:  an
        part of an academic transformation for the teacher.     appropriate  environment  that  is  interesting  and
                                                                stimulates all students.
        Academic  institutions  are  the  generators  of
        knowledge,  teachers  work  with  him  and  the  guided  In  the  same  way  learning  has  to  be  seen  as  a
        students have the laborious task of learning to learn,  collaborative  process  with  peers,  parents,  teachers,
        providing  a  service  such  as  education,  one  must  be  etc.,  where  everyone  in  one  form  or  another
        prepared to comply with it 100%, of according to the  participate to provide the student with quality in their
        needs of students, seeking above all to get involved,  work, in addition to ICT it is possible to interact with
        interact and motivate.                                  any person of any part  of the world, without  having
                                                                the  limitations  of  distance,  schedules,  etc.,  which
        The  new  generations  have  a  great  advantage,  since  makes  it  even  more  interesting  because  in  the
        they  were  born  immersed  in  all  these  technological  classroom itself can be connected to the network and
        changes and their perspective is totally different from  share  experiences;  giving  rise  to  producing  and
        those who acceded to them as a way of being updated;  reproducing  knowledge,  because  there  is a proactive
        such is the case of many of the teachers who have in  interaction in which it shares, discusses, resolves and
        their  classrooms  pupils  that  their  life  is  technology  learns  about  diversity  of  subjects,  thus  the  student
        from  the  use  of cell  phones,  computers,  tablets,  etc.  becomes  significantly  involved  in  the  challenge  of
        For  this  reason,  the  design  and  practice  of  teaching  creating knowledge.
        have to do with facing the challenges of education by
        boosting quality in it.                                 Therefore, the task faced by the institutions is to train
                                                                the  teaching  staff  so  that  they  incorporate  in  their
        The  teaching-learning  process  has  to  promote  the  classes strategies that are based on the use of all those
        incorporation of ICTs, as well as the development of  tools that originate effective learning environments.
        contents that must be meaningful and pertinent, with
        this  is  the  transformation  of  education,  where  the  Teaching skills a challenge
        scenario teachers-students-content agree changing the
        traditional   evaluation   system   and    promoting  Sanchez  and  Talavera  (2008)  recognize  that
        innovation based on the needed skills.                  competencies  can  be  defined  according  to  different
                                                                guidelines  or  procedures  and  offer  a  definition  of
         "The shift from teacher-centered learning to student-  competence for curricular planning purposes, such as
        centered  learning  can  create  a  more  interactive  and  good  performance  in  diverse  and  authentic  contexts
        motivating learning environment for both students and  based on the integration and activation of knowledge,

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