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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        by  two  criteria:  the  quantitative  and  the  qualitative.  Following the ideas of the same authors, they mention
        The    former    analyzes   historical   data   using  that in this model, y is a linear function of x (the part
        mathematical  models  and  statistics,  and  the  second  α + βx) plus ε (Greek letter epsilon) representing the
        using knowledge of the current market situation and  error y is a random variable. Anderson, Sweeney and
        its environment. The best production forecast will be  Williams (2001) point out that the error term explains
        the one with the best information mix of both criteria.  the  variability  in  y  that  cannot  be  explained  by  the
        Chapman (2006) defines the formulation of forecasts  linear relationship.
        of  the  technique  to  use  past  experiences  in  order  to
        predict expectations of the future.                     The  method  of  least  squares  has  a  long  history  that
                                                                goes back to the beginning of the nineteenth century.
        Montgomery, D., Peck, E. and Vining (2006) mention  In June 1801, Zach, an astronomer Gauss had known
        that  linear  regression  models  are  widely  used  in  two years earlier, published the orbital positions of the
        engineering since they serve to analyze the behavior  celestial body Ceres, a new "small planet" discovered
        of  input  (or  regressor)  and  output  (or  response)  by the Italian astronomer G. Piazzi in the same year.
        variables  predictions  and  estimates.  On  the  other  Unfortunately, Piazzi had only been able to observe 9
        hand, Badii, Guillen, Cerna, Valenzuela and Landeros  degrees of its orbit before this body disappeared after
        (2012) indicate that regression and correlation are two  the  sun.  Zach  published  several  predictions  of  his
        closely  related  techniques  and  comprise  a  form  of  position  including  one  of  Gauss  that  differed
        estimation.  More  specifically,  correlation  and  remarkably  from  the  others.  When  Ceres  was
        regression analysis include the study of sampling data  rediscovered by Zach in December 1801 it was almost
        to know what two or more variables are related to one  exactly  where  Gauss  had  predicted  (Cruces,  S  /  A).
        another in a population. Correlation analysis produces  The  method  of  ordinary  least  squares  consists  of
        a  number  that  summarizes  the  degree  of  correlation  obtaining a hyperplane so that the sum of the squares
        between two variables; and regression analysis gives  of the distances between each of the observations of
        rise  to  a  mathematical  equation  that  explains  and  the  variable  and  said  hyperplane  (residues)
        predicts this relationship.                             (Chirivella, S/A).

        Lopez and Romero (2014) mention that the simple or  GENERAL OBJECTIVE
        bivariate RL models are used as models of prediction
        or  prognosis.  The  most  typical  case  is  when  the  Assess  the  quality  of  a  prognosis  for  an  industrial
        predictor,  regressor  or  independent  variable  X  is  a  product using the regression analysis.
        controlled variable (non-random), while the response
        variable or dependent variable Y is a random variable   Specific objectives
        that has an approximately normal distribution for each     Understand the contextualization of the topic.
        x  value  of  X,  but  with  constant  variance   .
        Escalante (2013) mentions that regression analysis is     Know the existing models to evaluate the quality
        a  technique  used  to  relate,  through  a  model,  one  or   of an industrial process.
        more  independent  variables  to  a  dependent  variable     Calculate the representative sample using 95%
        (response).                                                confidence.

        Orellana  (2008)  mentions  that  the  simplest  function    Apply the regression analysis on the
        for the relationship between two variables is the linear   representative samples.
        function:                                                 Analyze the results obtained from the regression

                             Y = a + b X                           analysis on the representative samples.
                                                                  Evaluate the results obtained from the regression
        Cardona,  González,  Rivera  and  Cárdenas  (2013)         analysis on the representative samples.
        mention  that  the  general  equation  describing  the
        relationship between the two variables is:

                            y = α + βx + ϵ

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