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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470
                                  Special Issue of 2  International Congress of Engineering
        probability distributions.  The method  developed  was  this  way  contribute  to  the  decision  making,  which
        called  Monte  Carlo  Method  by  the  generation  of  could lead to improve the performance of the system
        random  numbers  and  the  game  of  roulette.  under  study.  Sánchez,  Ceballos  and  Sánchez  (2015)
        D'Arthenay  (2015)  mentions  that  computer  use  in  mention  that  the  simulation  of  systems  is  an
        simulation began with the PACER program in 1966,  alternative to know in a correct way the critical points
        and  its increasing use  in  the  simulation of  industrial  that can have the production processes of a company
        processes has been made possible by the development  and  with  these  model  solutions  that  increase
        of numerical techniques and the use of new languages  efficiency  and  reduce  the  times  in  the  different
        of simulation.                                          activities  carried  out  during  the  production  of  an
                                                                article  or  the  provision  of  a  service.  Olivas  (S  /  A)
        The process of experimenting with a model is called     mentions that process simulation is one of the greatest
        simulation. The process of designing  the experiment    tools  of  industrial  engineering,  which  is  used  to
        plan to make the best decision is called optimization.   represent  a  process  through  another  process  that
        If  the  experiment  plan  is  carried  out  with  the  sole   makes it much simpler and more understandable.
        purpose  of  learning  to  drive  the  system,  then  it  is
        called training or training (Tarifa, S / A). Harrington  Álvarez and García (S / A) mention that simulation is
        and Tumay (1999) point out that the simulation allows  becoming a necessary instrument in any area of work.
        to  experiment  with  a  model  of  the  system  to  better  Montoya  (2007)  argues  that  simulation  as  a  support
        understand  the  processes,  in  order  to  improve  the  tool within the decision-making process can be used
        activity in the companies. Harrell and Tumay (1995)  for  the  planning  and  improvement  of  different  areas
        mention that simulation is a means of experimenting  within  the  business  scope  of  manufacturing  and
        with a detailed model of a  real  system to  determine  services, such as:
        how  the  system  will  respond  to  changes  in  its
        structure  or  environment.  Arahal,  Berenguel  and         Inventory system,
        Rodríguez  (2006)  argue  that  simulating  consists  of     Waiting line systems,
        using  a  model  to  calculate  and  provide  a  certain
        output variable in order to produce similar evolutions       Manufacturing system,
        with identical stimuli. Law and Kelton (2007) indicate       Service industry,
        that,  in  the  general  sense,  the  simulation  deals  with     Transport and distribution systems
        the  study  of  dynamical  systems  in  time.  Kelton,
        Sadowski and Sturrock (2008) mention that computer  Prieto (2015) argues that the objectives for which the
        simulation  refers  to  methods  for  studying  a  wide  simulation is used:
        variety  of  real-world  systems  models  by  numerical
        evaluation  using  software  designed  to  mimic  the        Analyze  and  study  the  impact  on  the  overall
        operations  or  characteristics  of  the  system,  often  in   performance  of  the  system  of  small  changes
        the  course  of  time.  Cabrera  (2009)  cites  that  the      made to some of its components.
        simulation is the discipline of the design and fictitious     Changes in the organization of a company.
        representation  of  real  situations,  by  means  of         Suggest      potential    improvements      in
        mathematical and technological elements in which it            performance.
        is  experimented  through  a  model  that  constitutes  an
        abstraction  of  the  reality;  with  the  aim  of           Illustrate  and  facilitate  the  understanding  of
        understanding  the  behavior  of  the  system  and             the  results  obtained  through  analytical
        evaluating  different  types  of  strategies  for  its  best   techniques (can also be used with pedagogical
        operation. Soto (2010) points out that the simulation          vision).
        is  the  imitation  of  a  dynamic  system  through  a       Experiment  with  operating  conditions  that
        computational  model.  The  experimentation  on                could be dangerous or high in the real system.
        computational  model,  is  sought  to  evaluate  the
        operational  characteristics  of  the  system  (or      Zapata  and  Lizardi  (2013)  point  out  that  the  use  of
        subsystem) that this being represented by the model.    simulation is an optimal and economic means to make
        Experimentation  on  the  model  should  help  the      changes  in  the  actual  processes  in  a  maquiladora
        understanding  of  the  behavior  of  the  system  and  in   company.  Therefore,  it  can  be  affirmed  that  the

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