Page 214 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
1. Appointment Adherence Improvement: low-resource settings where infrastructure may be
After implementing the VaxHub digital tracking system, lacking. There is also the challenge of training healthcare
adherence rates improved from 75% to 90%, indicating personnel to adopt and use new technologies effectively,
better patient compliance. ensuring that the benefits of the system are fully
2. Reduction in Patient Waiting Times:
The system reduced average waiting times from 20 VIII. Future Directions:
minutes to 10 minutes, enhancing scheduling efficiency Future research and development in this area should focus
and patient experience. on addressing these challenges. Improving system scalability
VII. CONCLUSION and accessibility, particularly in remote or underserved
This study on VaxHub’s Digital Tracking System highlights regions, is essential to ensure that all populations can benefit
from digital vaccination tracking.
the transformative potential of digital tools in improving the
efficiency and effectiveness of vaccination efforts. The Additionally, the incorporation of more advanced features
integration of technology into the vaccination process allows such as artificial intelligence (AI) for predictive analytics, and
for better coordination, precise monitoring, and real-time blockchain for enhanced data security, could further enhance
data management, which ultimately leads to improved the system’s capabilities.
delivery and coverage of vaccines.
Moreover, ongoing evaluation of the system’s impact on
Key Findings: vaccination outcomes will be critical to refining its
1. Enhanced Efficiency in Vaccine Distribution: The functionalities. Investigating the potential for integrating the
VaxHub Digital Tracking System plays a crucial role in VaxHub system with other health information systems and
optimizing vaccine distribution logistics. By tracking electronic health records could further streamline the
vaccine inventory in realtime, the system ensures that process, allowing for a holistic approach to public health
vaccines are dispatched accurately and on time, management.
minimizing delays in reaching target populations. The In conclusion, VaxHub’s Digital Tracking System represents a
ability to track vaccine supplies reduces the risk of significant step forward in modernizing vaccination
shortages or wastage, ensuring that doses are
distributed according to demand. processes. While challenges remain, the system offers
considerable promise in improving the efficiency, coverage,
2. Real-Time Monitoring and Reporting: The system and overall success of vaccination campaigns, contributing to
provides a platform for continuous monitoring of better public health outcomes globally. By addressing the
vaccine administration, allowing health authorities to barriers to implementation and scaling up its use, digital
make data-driven decisions. This real-time data tracking systems like VaxHub can become a cornerstone in
collection facilitates better management of vaccination the fight against vaccine-preventable diseases.
campaigns by providing insights into vaccination rates, REFERENCES
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IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 204