Page 209 - Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies
Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
Improving Vaccination Efficiency:
A Study on VaxHub’s Digital Tracking System
Tushar Mohod , Tejas Dhengre , Prof. Usha Kosharkar
1,2,3 Department of Science and Technology,
1,2,3 G H Raisoni College of Engineering and Management, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
ABSTRACT With the increasing demand for large-scale immunization
In the wake of global health challenges, improving efforts, such as those seen during global pandemics, the need
vaccination efficiency has become a critical goal for for a robust and efficient vaccination tracking system has
healthcare systems worldwide. This study, titled become more critical than ever. Digital health technologies
“Improving Vaccination Efficiency: A Study on VaxHub’s offer promising solutions to these challenges by providing
Digital Tracking System,” examines how digital tracking real-time tracking, automated reporting, and data-driven
technologies can enhance vaccine distribution and decisionmaking capabilities.
administration processes. VaxHub, a state-of-the-art digital
VaxHub, a digital vaccine tracking system, aims to address
tracking system, offers an integrated platform that
these inefficiencies by offering a centralized platform for
automates various aspects of the vaccination workflow,
vaccine inventory management, automated scheduling, and
including patient registration, appointment scheduling, compliance monitoring. By leveraging advanced data
inventory management, and real-time data monitoring.
analytics and cloud-based storage, VaxHub enhances the
The study explores how VaxHub’s system leverages digital efficiency of vaccination programs by minimizing wastage,
tools such as QR code-based checkins, cloud-based data ensuring timely administration, and improving accessibility
storage, and automated reporting to minimize human to critical immunization data.
errors and streamline operations. By reducing paperwork
This study explores the effectiveness of VaxHub in
and manual data entry, the system not only enhances
optimizing vaccination workflows and its potential to
operational efficiency but also improves patient
revolutionize immunization management. The research
experiences by reducing wait times and ensuring timely
focuses on assessing the system’s impact on reducing
vaccine administration. Additionally, real-time dashboards
administrative burdens, improving patient compliance, and
provide healthcare providers with valuable insights into
enhancing the overall efficiency of vaccine distribution and
vaccine inventory levels, patient attendance trends, and
potential bottlenecks in the system, enabling proactive
decision-making. II. RELATED WORK
The increasing complexity of vaccination programs has led to
The study explores how VaxHub’s system leverages digital
the development of various digital solutions aimed at
tools such as QR code-based checkins, cloud-based data
storage, and automated reporting to minimize human improving efficiency, accuracy, and accessibility. Several
studies have explored the role of digital tracking systems,
errors and streamline operations. A comprehensive
mobile health (mHealth) applications, and electronic health
evaluation is conducted using qualitative and quantitative
methods, including surveys, interviews, and data analytics. records (EHRs) in streamlining vaccination processes.
The findings highlight the effectiveness of VaxHub in One notable study by Smith et al. (2021) examined the
addressing common challenges faced by traditional effectiveness of digital immunization registries in enhancing
vaccination systems, such as inefficiencies in patient flow vaccine coverage and reducing administrative errors. The
management, vaccine wastage, and data security concerns. study found that digital systems significantly improved data
accuracy and facilitated better communication between
KEYWORDS: Vaccination efficiency, digital tracking system, healthcare providers and patients. Similarly, a review by
VaxHub, healthcare technology, immunization management, Jones and Brown (2020) highlighted how real-time tracking
patient record tracking, QR code check-in, data analytics, systems have been instrumental in minimizing vaccine
public health optimization, cloud-based monitoring, workflow wastage by providing precise inventory control and demand
automation, healthcare innovation forecasting.
Several vaccination programs have also benefited from
I. INTRODUCTION mobile-based solutions. For example, research conducted by
Vaccination is one of the most effective public health Patel et al. (2019) demonstrated that SMS reminders and
interventions, preventing the spread of infectious diseases mobile applications increased vaccine adherence rates,
and saving millions of lives each year. However, the particularly in underserved communities. Their study
efficiency of vaccination programs is often hindered by emphasized the role of automated notifications in addressing
logistical challenges, such as inaccurate recordkeeping, challenges related to missed appointments and vaccine
vaccine stock mismanagement, and delays in patient follow- hesitancy.
ups. Traditional paperbased systems and fragmented digital
solutions have struggled to provide a comprehensive In the context of large-scale immunization efforts, the
approach to tracking vaccine distribution, administration, COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of digital
and coverage. vaccine tracking systems. A study by Lee et al. (2022)
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