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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) @ eISSN: 2456-6470
4. Mobile Health Integration: Developing mobile apps for [4] Johnson, M., & Patel, K. (2022). AI and Data Analytics
record access, real-time reminders, and QR codes for in Vaccination Programs: A Global Perspective.
vaccine verification.
[5] UNICEF. (2021). Improving Vaccine Access and
5. EHR Integration: Seamless data exchange with Delivery: Digital Tools and Solutions.
electronic health records (EHRs) to ensure automatic [6]
and accurate updates. Bates, D. W., & Gawande, A. A. (2020). The Digital
Transformation of Healthcare: From Information to
6. Access in Remote Areas: Integrating telemedicine, Wisdom.
offline capabilities, and mobile clinics for improved [7] Simonsen, L., & Mühlemann, A. (2019). Vaccination
vaccination access in underserved areas.
Information Systems in the 21st Century: A Global
7. Monitoring Vaccine Safety: Real-time adverse event Perspective.
reporting and pharmacovigilance integration for safer [8] The World Bank. (2022). Digital Health Solutions for
vaccine programs.
Effective Vaccine Delivery.
8. Automated Supply Chain Management: Optimizing [9]
vaccine supply chains using blockchain and IoT for real- Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. (2021). Advancing
Digital Health Technologies: Focus on Vaccination Data
time tracking and AI for inventory management.
9. Community Engagement: Providing educational tools [10]
to address vaccine hesitancy and build trust through Katz, A. (2020). Vaccination Information Systems: Best
Practices and Future Directions.
accurate information.
[11] World Health Organization (WHO). (2021). WHO
10. Sustainability: Incorporating eco-friendly logistics, Immunization Framework and Data Systems.
reducing waste, and promoting digital records for
environmental sustainability. [12] Global Vaccine Safety Initiative. (2020). Global
Vaccination Safety Information Systems.
[1] World Health Organization (WHO). (2020). [13] Soni, P., & Gupta, R. (2021). AI-Powered Vaccine
Immunization Data and Information Systems: Scheduling: Innovations in Digital Health Platforms.
Improving Vaccination Coverage.
[14] Pereira, R. M. (2020). Optimizing Vaccine Distribution
[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Systems: The Role of Digital Technologies.
(2021). Vaccination Information Systems: The Role of [15]
Digital Platforms in Public Health. Wang, X., & Lee, L. (2021). Blockchain Technology in
Health Information Systems: Implications for
[3] Smith, D., & Zhang, H. (2021). Leveraging Blockchain Vaccination Tracking.
in Health Information Management: A Case Study on
IJTSRD | Special Issue on Emerging Trends and Innovations in Web-Based Applications and Technologies Page 198